Most every year, the honor goes to...

A famous macho man who has decided to show his "feminine side" for a Halloween party or a comedy sketch...

Or a sexy actor who turns out to be sexier playing a woman in a movie

But this ignores all the closeted sisters who simply do what they do in private. Much more common among crossdressers and transvestites, are the guys who simply transform in a dimly lit room for their own amusement.

Last thing they want is a lot of publicity about it!

So how can one of them end up Crossdresser of the Year?

Well...this is how....

It's not exactly an Oscar, dear, but you get an award HERE!

Your sisters know exactly what you were up to. You just wanted to go out and pass for a woman...or pass some uh, "quality time" looking as close to female as night and headlights might allow.

Prostitution? Probably not. This wasn't for money, it was for thrills!

Most wouldn't have gone quite so far, and simply imagined being a hooker for hire, but our director friend clearly had his fill of make-believe after making that James Bond movie.

Here's hoping that the notoriety will be a blessing in disguise and lead to more work and a happier private life. It can happen...many a frilly slip has a silver lining...