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This page is where you go to find out what changes I make when I update my web-site as well as information about what I have planned for the future. So be sure and check this page first whenever you notice I've updated my site.

    8/19/98 - I've made quite a few changes to my site with this update starting with the addition of some new pages. Along with this "What's New" page I have also added a "Links" page and another picture gallery with some new pictures of me in pantyhose. You may also notice the new graphics for title-banners and buttons. Believe it or not those graphics are paintings by an artist named Hajime Sorayama if you'd like to see more of his work go to The Sorayama Files web-site.

    8/29/98 - I've added Picture Gallery 3 which consists of some new pictures taken on the 25th. I took a ton of pictures on the 25th (so many I had to split them up into two groups) as promised these pictures fulfill a request I've gotten a lot of so here you go these "show all of me" (which I am kind of nervous about so please go easy on me). Minus the parts I can't show here at Geocities but to see those simply follow a link to my Naughty Page which was also updated.

    Coming Soon: I still have not received any questions for my  FAQ/Bio page so please e-mail any questions about me or my site that you have so that I can get that up and running. The next set of pictures is already done I took so many pictures on the 25th that I decided to split them into two separate series. I wore a total of four different outfits that day. The next update will consist of pictures of me in my white and pink dress featured in gallery 2 with white seemed stockings. There are also a few of me in pantyhose doing something I never thought I would be able to photograph myself doing. Those pictures will be posted on my Naughty page when I do my next update. If you would like to know when this site is updated e-mail me and I'll add you to a list of people to notify whenever I update my site. Well that is it for this update. I hope you stop back again.

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