galban.gif (16907 bytes)


    Thank you for your interest in seeing my pictures. I hope you enjoy them and please e-mail me with your thoughts, suggestions, or requests. If you have pictures of yourself send them to me. I'd love to see them. Listed below are the galleries and the dates the pictures were created. To visit a gallery simply click on it below.

        Picture Gallery 1 - Created July 12, 1998

        Picture Gallery 2 - Created August 16, 1998

            Picture Gallery 3 - Created August 29, 1998

      I do have some other pictures of myself but due to their content I can not show them here at Geocities. So in order to see them you have to visit my Naughty Page. Don't worry the Naughty Page is free just like this one you just have to put up with a fairly slow server and a banner ad at the top of the page. If you'd like to see my Naughty Page click the button below to take you there.

Warning!!! You must be at least 18 years of age to enter my Naughty Homepage.

naughtb.gif (4773 bytes) or go home.gif (4520 bytes)