here's a little info about myself

Once opon a time,(1976),in a land far,far away(Miami,Florida). A child was born, a child like no other. For this child was different from other children. You see upon growing up the child learned right from wrong, good from bad, and all other attributes a child would normally learn, such as eating, walking, talking, potty training, and so forth. By the time the child turned the tender age of five, he realized what was so different about him. You see it was around this time that he started to show signs, if you will. Signs or behavior that weren't (and I quote "society's kind of normal").The child started to get into his mothers clothes and makeup, whitch did not please her one bit. Soon the child began going to school(elementry), at classtime he was a smart, good little boy, but when it came to playtime he would play games like house with the other children where he would be the mother, sister ,dauhter, and so on. These behaviors carried on though his middle school years, it was during that time he felt free to futher explore his sexuality and gender.While in middle school, he met others like himself but only a few becuase other people, especialy his school mates didn't think it was appropiate and down right sick. That left him a bit discuraged, but it didn't stop him from going on, at times he would befriend the girls not for relationships like most guys there, but to develop bonds that only girls could share with other girls. And since he was accepted by the other girls and a few guys, as one of the girls he fitted in nicely among the fairer sex.