Lady of the night
Dia Ley

Lady of the night
come walk with me

she lies inside the heart
with all her majesty

Walk through the forest
midnight where it stands

She dances in mischief and in love
slender and graceful reaching hands

A glimse of a gleeming silver
gown, stars that sparkle ans shine
raven's wing hair spread out

Soft pale limbs outstretched in welcome
so fair a face, it leaves no doubt

That she resides within us all
and lives from inside out


The Goddess Within
by Cateline. Stop by The Garden of My Mind.

dance in my mind
to the music my passion provides.
I feel bound by the constraints
that Imy body limits me to.
By the constraints of my surroundings....
...the people...
...the bus...
... my room...

So in my mind there is a grassy hill,
a place of peace where a lady dances
to the music that plays in her heart...
A place where no one else can go,
where no one has to wonder or contemplate her sanity...

She spins, surrounded by silk and satin,
swirling 'round her soul. Sometimes black, red, white... Sometimes
green, gray, or purple...
But forever she dances on...

Keeping beat to my heart, turning with
The cycles of the earth...
Swirling in time to my confusion...
Stomping her feet to the throbbing of my anger,
But always at peace, somehow, in a world
that, by necessity, is separate from mine.



nvocation to the Moon
by Patricia Telesco

I come into your garden fair,
To Waltz upon the dew.
To look upon your handiwork,
While morning still is new.

I come into your meadow fair,
To laugh upon the lawn,
To stare upon a red-blue sky,
Working magic come the dawn.

I come into your forest fair,
To sing among the trees,
To sway carefree amidst the leaves
Come full the noon-day breeze.

I come into your greenwood fair,
To watch the sunlight play,
As it dances towards the dusk,
And sparkles like the fey.

I come into your grove so fair,
The cloak of night comes round,
To gather stars within its sweep
And shine upon the ground.

I come upon your world so fair,
And think on what I've seen
Then fall to sleep with Gods of old,
And dream on moon-beam wings.



The Beginning
by Pentad

When the moon is white against the winter sky...
and the Ladies face shines down, you feel no shame.

The sins are gone, they were never really there.

You'll hear the voice that has always called your name.
You'll dance, you'll sing, to a song that always been...

But you'll never ever, ever be the same.

