Michelles New Home Page !!!

Well here it goes Im going offline for a long time I need to raise some money so I have to sell my computer. I will be fine as soon as I can get my meds for depression upped.I hope the links will keep working I will have some one moniter the page I will post the e-mail address to where you can submit request to be added to my page well good bye for I dont know how long!! This is my front page you will find a lot of cool links in here so kick your shoes off and enjoy and welcome to my world!!!! Well I would like to thank a person by the name of kelly for all of your compliments towards me Thank you!!
I'm being forced to visit my son at supervised visitation becuause or my crossdressing and it should not happen no matter what happens.People are useing us as scape goats and I dont like it so it has to stop! Stand up and be counted and dont let anyone get away with stealing our rights to be what we want or who we want.And dont let simple minded people take our rights away by saying that states can discriminate against us!,
We need to stop them now!
Hello my name is Michelle Knowles and I live in northern Minnesota. My friends call me the woman in the green dress :)! The reason that this is my new homepage is that I had to delete my page for personal reasons. And I'm soon to be a free woman and I'm the happiest person in the world.

Alot of people are afraid to come out of the closet per say but we need to, so we can fight for our rights, So come out to the world, We must change the world and this is the only way to do it. No one is alone, I thought there was only me who dress in pretty clothes now I know I'm not alone. I started to come out to people and they have told me that if I want that life style then they are not going to choose it for me. I'm a transgendered person and I'm proud of who I am, what we all need is to come out of the closet and stand up for who we are. Lets not fade into the night like some verman who was kicked to the curb! We need to have people in congress who will stand up for us! And another thing we need is the right to keep our children and not be judged by the way we dress but by the way we parent our children.


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