Welcome, to my sisters,

and everyone else who may be interested in this topic.

Now that you are inside, what can you expect? First, this is NOT intended to be a fantasy orientated site. The topics are serious, and I will attempt to address them not only from the standpoint of Traditional Chinese, but also Allopathic Medicine (as much as is legally possible). I plan for this site to grow over time, and will always appreciate any serious comments, pro or con. While I prefer a more natural, i.e. herbal, approach to Transitional HRT, I do recognize the effectiveness of Pharmaceutical Drugs. However, I personally feel that the safety factors of herbs, and particularly Chinese Herbal Medicine, far outweigh the quicker results of the chemicals. Especially, if long-term health is considered an important part of the question.

What I hope to do with this site is to make this information available to those interested in Transitional HRT. I hope to offer enough information to allow those unfamiliar with the possibilities of Herbal HRT to determine if it suits their personal needs. Or, at the minimum, to become more informed as to alternative therapy. If I believe that another site offers honest information on a subject, I will add it to my LINKS page. While I offer these sites for some specific information contained within, I may not endorse the entire site. I will always add additional links to my list, so if you wish to link with me, or know of a site that should be included, please e-mail the address to me, and I will look at the site. Actually, I recently lost all of my bookmarks in a massive computer crash, and am still in the process of rebuilding it. So, if I missed a lot of excellent sites, they were probably on the �86�ed� bookmarks.

Currently, this site is under considerable construction, and is far for being finished. Unfortunately, my professional requirements only allow short periods of free time for this project. Nonetheless, I will continue to add pages to the site, and if there are specific areas of interest, E-mail me at <[email protected]>, I will attempt to write a short article in answer. Additionally, I will answer private inquiries regarding your HRT, or prospective HRT. However, please do not write and ask me if any specific dosages of a Pharmaceutical drugs is correct. I am a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not Allopathic Medicine. I cannot, legally, prescribe any Western Pharmaceutical Medications! If you ask, I will only tell you that I can�t discuss which, or how much of such a drug you should take. All that I may do is discuss the known adverse side-effects, and the designed use of them. There is a chart within the Medical Pages of this site that compares the known side-effects of not only chemical, but also Herbal HRT. Yes, there can be adverse side-effects with herbals. If anyone ever attempts to tell you that there are no side-effects with herbs, know that either they know little about herbology, or they do not speak full truths. While Herbology, especially Chinese/Asian Herbology, is extremely safe, there are known side-effects to most substances, when used in excessive dosages. It requires a well trained Herbologist to understand each substance, and how to combine it safely with other herbs, to create a formula which is not only safe, but more effective than any of the single herbs which make up the formula.

I hope that you enjoy the site.

