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Allen, J.J.
  • The Man in the Red Velvet Dress : Inside the World of Cross-Dressing

    Ayres, Tony (ed.)
  • String of Pearls : Stories About Cross-Dressing: the tile says it all.

    Barker, Clive
  • Imagica: It all begins with Gentle (a sorcerer and seducer, with no recollection of his past), Judith (immortal creation, and chosen of the goddesses), and Pie-oh-Pah (a strangely androgynous assassin, who can become everything you desire). What begins as a lovestory, though, quickly evolves into an epic masterpiece in which once-familiar, comfortaing mythologies are twisted into something wonderfully bizarre -- before being reversed and undone.
    Without revealing too much of the story, Barker offers a reality that has been split into 5 separate worlds - the Dominions of the Imajica. Each Dominion is a self-contained fantasy world, rendered with exquisite detail & the creativity we expect from Barker. An attempt was made decades ago to reconcile the Dominions and bring Earth back into the Imajica, but it was a catastrophic failure. Now, though, Gentle is ready to make a second attempt - confronting himself, his creator, and eternity in the process.
    Alternately gruesome, arousing, starting, and awe-inspiring, this is Barker at this absolute best.

  • In the Flesh: while exploring a deserted spa, two men encounter "The Madonna." Seduced by her unholy beauty, they eagerly accept her offer of sex, unaware that they're being transformed into women until it's too late! (note: this is the US title for Volume 5 of his Books of Blood)

    Berger, Thomas
  • Regiment of Women: a strange, but compelling, tale of a future where men and women have completely swapped roles (including stereotypes). Women wear the pants, men wear the skirts, but nobody is really happy.

    Bowen, Gary
  • Diary of a Vampire: another sexy vampire tale, this time about a gay man with a taste for S&M. Also includes a wonderful shape-changing scene, where he becomes a woman!

    Brown & Chloe
  • True Selves: Understanding Transsexualism: Aimed at "Families, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals" this is the kind of book you might wanna share.

    Brubach, Holly
  • Girlfriend - Men, Women, and Drag: a truly wonderful exploration AND celebration of transgender culture, covering everything from occasional crossdressers, to professional drag queens, to full-time transsexuals. For a fair, friendly, tasteful yet sexy approach, this book is hard to beat.

    Bullough, Bullough & Elias (eds.)
  • Gender Blending: Transvestism, Gender Hersey, Androgyny, Religion & the Cross-Dresser, Transgender Healthcare, Free Expression, Sex (a great collection of essays and articles guaranteed to make you think.)

    Bullough, Vern & Bonnie
  • Cross Dressing, Sex, and Gender

    Chalker, Jack L.
  • The Changewinds: one of my favourite sci-fi/fantasy trilogies - a fantastic story with great characters and more transformations than you can shake a dick at (grin). The Main characters include: Charley (a chemically altered bisexual sex-goddess), Sam (a lesbian magically confined in a man's body), Boday (a lesbian Amazon alchemist), and Zenchur (a demon-cursed homophobic sissy whore)!

    Constantine, Storm
  • The Wraeththu: a sci-fi classic set in a post-apocalyptic world where a group of outcasts known as the Wraeththu (super-human hermahprodites) are our only hope.

    County, Jayne & Smith, Rupert
  • Man Enough to Be Woman: The life story of Jayne County, THE ULTIMATE rock and roll sissy.

    De Erauso, Stepto and Garber
  • Lieutenant Nun : Memoir of a Basque Transvestite in the New World : a somewhat fictionalized account of Catalina De Erauso, a 17th century teenaged Spaniard who made the successful transition from peaceful nun to legendary lesbian soldier.

    Ekins & King (ed.)
  • Blending Genders: Social Aspects of Cross-Dressing and Sex Changing

    Fontanel, Beatrice & Wood, Willard
  • Support and Seduction - A History of Corsets and Bras: a beautiful book for sissy-gals and ladies alike, especially if (like your sissy hostess) you love corsets. BTW, if you're not in the mood for reading, there are 200+ pics too!

    Fox, Katrina & O'Keefe, Tracie
  • Trans-X-U-All - The Naked Difference: An enlightening guide to the transsexual experience that should be essential reading for all. Includes sociology, psychology, politics, law, diagnosis, treatment, sex/gender reassignment, personal stories and photos.

    Frantzen, Allen
  • Before the Closet - Same-Sex Love from Beowulf to Angels in America: A fantastic book that presents the history of gay/lez/bi relationships in an educational, but erotic and eminently readable fashion. Medieval sexuality . . . warrior lovers . . . cross-dressing saints . . . transvestite Shakespearean actors . . . and much more.

    Garber, Marjorie
  • Vested Interests: Cross-dressing and Cultural Anxiety

    Gardner, James Alan
  • Commitment Hour: A sci-fi tale of 25th century Earth, where you can choose a new sex every year. However, you must make your final choice at 20, or become a 'Neuter' outcast. Until, that is, the latest Neuter encounters 2 strangers with a devastating secret!

    Gerald, Ramsey (Phd.)
  • Transsexuals : Candid Answers to Private Questions: a great resource for those of us who are about to make the ultimate transition, filled with facts and figures, plus answers to the awkward questions we face from family and friends.

    Gilman, Carolyn Ives
  • Halfway Human: a dark, sometimes depressing, exploration of sex and gender. In the future, traditional men and women are served by their asexual human slaves.

    Grant, Judith
  • Fundamental Feminism - Contesting the Core Concepts of Feminist Theory: written by one of the few feminists out there who is friendly to us special gals.

    Gravois, Valory
  • Cherry Single: a wonderful, realistic drama about a young transgendered man's coming out. The scene where he's rejected by his best friend is sure to bring tears to your eyes, but you'll laugh and cheer when he finally finds a woman who accepts him. Truly, David/Natalie could be any one of us.

    Griffith, Nicola
  • Ammonite: sent to observe the female inhabitants of a distant planet, a young scientist disovers a corpse with whom she shares an unusual genital deformity. Shocked to find she's not alone, she eventually uncovers the mysterious virus responsible. Not only has it killed all the men, but it has also made it possible for the women to reproduce amongst themselves!

    Griggs, Claudine
  • S/He : Changing Sex and Changing Clothes (Dress, Body & Culture)

    Heinlein, Robert
  • I Will Fear No Evil: An erotic bodyswapper from the sci-fi master. In the early 21st century, you need never die - assuming you can afford to have your brain transplanted into a new body. Johann Smith HAS that kind of money but, when tragedy strikes, the only donor available is Eunice - his sexy female secretary!

    Hirschfeld, Lombardi-Nash & Bullough
  • Transvestites: The Erotic Drive to Cross-Dress

    Huff, Tanya
  • Fifth Quarter: a fantastic swords & sorcery bodyswapper, with a brother and sister forced to share one body after a cunning wizard steals the brother's in a plot to become King.
  • No Quarter: her wonderful sequel.

    Israel, Tarver & Shaffer
  • Transgender Care: Recommended Guidelines, Practical Information, and Personal Accounts

    Kirk, Sheila
  • Feminizing Hormonal Therapy For The Transgendered
  • Physician's Guide to Transgendered Medicine

    Kirk, Sheila & Rothblatt, Martine
  • Medical, Legal & Workplace Issues for the Transsexual: A fantastic resource that covers everything from name-changes, to social interaction, to surgery.

    Lackey, Mercedes
  • Oathbound: a great little fantasy tale about an Amazonian warrior and her sorceress partner. Of special interest is their magical revenge upon a traitorous rapist - who is definitely NOT happy to see his equally despicable band of villains!

    Ladywood, Viscount
  • Gynecocracy: visit a very special private school where the discipline is oh so sexy.

    Laing, Alison
  • Speaking as a Woman: a guide for those who desire to communicate in a feminine manner.

    Lake, Alizarin
  • Miss High Heels: A fun tale for all sissies, especially lovers of forced feminization and petticoat discipline. Forced by his sisters to act the part of a proper lady, young Denis soon discovers the erotic benefits of being Denise . . .

    Leigh, Stephen
  • Dark Water's Embrace: set in a future where a toxic plant has forced a bizarre adaption in our reproductive process. Men must first have sex with a hermaphrodite whose body strengthens and ejaculates the man's sperm while he/she/it has sex with a woman.

    MacKenzie, Gordene Olga
  • Transgender Nation: a classic work that originally hooked me with this approach - dares to look at the male-to-woman transgenderist and transsexual from a sociocultural and sociopolitical perspective and maintains that it is not the individual transgenderist who is sick and in need of treatment but rather the culture.

    McKeeson, Malcom
  • Matriarchy - Freedom in Bondage: chronicles the abduction and transformation of a young man who learns to serve his Mistress

    Miller, Rachel
  • The Bliss of Becoming One!: A book for anyone who has yet to feel truly comfortable with the gal inside.

    Nettick, Geri
  • Mirrors - Portrait of a Lesbian Transsexual: A gorgeous true story that will make you want to laugh, cry, and cheer out loud. Trapped in a boy's body, Geri's early struggles to understand herself are as honest as they are familiar. When she finally succeeds, only to be shunned by lesbian & feminist communities, her fight to be accepted as a woman is truly heroic.

    Pope, Jennifer Jane
  • Detained at Pleasure: in the totalitarian regime of 21st century Britain, prisons aren't what they used to be. For instance, a certin Scottish penal colony has spent years perfecting a technique for turning men into hermaphrodites -- and Martin (rather, Daisy 23) is to be their latest Guinea Pig!
  • Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman: It all starts when an artist loses a bizarre bet with his executive type wife. Not only must he dress as a woman, but he is to feature in various erotic sessions, then draw a comic strip adventure from the incriminating photographs!
  • Inbetweenie: Sent on an errand by his domineering female boss, a young accountant finds himself modelling outfits for her daughter's fetish boutique. Too late, he realizes he has become an nbetweenie, neither male nor female, but an object of lust and desire, consigned to spend his days and nights encased in some of the most bizarre creations imaginable.

    Ramsey, Gerald
  • Transsexuals: Candid Answers to Private Questions

    Rechy, John
  • City of Night: an erotic classic, it tells the tale of Miss Destiny - an L.A. drag queen.

    Rednour, Shar (ed)
  • starfucker: Having sifted through past issues of Starphkr magazine, Shar Rednour has compiled an interesting (if uneven) collection of celebrity fantasies for straight, gay, bi, lesbian, and transsexual audiences. Averaging roughly 3 to 10 pages each, these are definite quickies that are solely designed with tittilation in mind. As Rednour says in her introduction, the priorities here are raunchiness first, content second, and literary merit third. Mind you, there is some romance and humour amongst the smut, but there are also a few stories I found rather disturbing.
    Personally, my favourite encounters were those with Marilyn Munster, Monica Lewinsky, Ziggy Stardust, Jesse Helms, Rob Halford, and even Dan Quayle. As for Elvis, Suzanne Sommers, and the Statue of Liberty -- I'd definitely take a pass on those encounters.
    If you're looking for a collection of fantasies to which we can all relate, then give starfucker a try. Just don't expect any quality storytelling or intense character struggles -- there just isn't time.

    Reed, Jeremy
  • Pleasure Chateau: Leanda is mistress of a chateau where she indulges her compulsion for sexual extremes, entertaining everyone from seductive transsexuals, to erotic deviants, to kinky freaks.

    Roberts, Joann
  • Art and Illusion: A Guide to Crossdressing, Vol. 1, Face & Hair: This is one I can recommend personally. I first picked up a copy last year, and now refer to it often.
  • Art and Illusion: A Guide to Crossdressing, Vol. 2, Fashion & Style: Just as handy as her first, hon.
  • Coping with Crossdressing

    Rowe & Bullough
  • Bert & Lori: The Autobiography of a Crossdresser

    Rudd, Peggy J.
  • Crossdressers And Those Who Share Their Lives
  • Crossdressing With Dignity: The Case for Transcending Gender Lines
  • My Husband Wears My Clothes: Crossdressing from the Perspective of a Wife

    Smith, Dinitia
  • The Illusionist - A Novel: a sad, dramatic tale of magic, mystery and murder in a smalltown.

    Soles, Caro (ed)
  • Meltdown: a very wild, intense collection of gay science fiction that features a society where unprotected sex is illegal, a romantic ghost story; a transsexual zombie lover, and an alien hermaphrodite dancer who likes S&M, and more!

    Springer, Nancy
  • Larque on the Wing: a touching, supernatural exploration of one woman's mid-life crisis. Confronted a psychic doppelganger who is a much younger version of herself, she embarks on a wild and wonderful adventure, eventually transforming herself into a gay man. I know it sounds weird, hon, but it's a terrific story.

    Steele, Valerie
  • Fetish : Fashion, Sex, and Power: An interesting look at how we dress and why, with some wondeful photos. Covers everything from CDs to BDSM to infantilism and more.

    Tan, Cecilia (ed)
  • Genderflex: Absolutely THE BEST collection of TG sci-fi, fantasy & horror, collected by the Queen of erotic genre-fiction!

    Tarr, Judith
  • Avaryan Rising: an epic fantasy trilogy (in one volume) with some wonderfully romantic touches. The first book features a band of bisexual mercenaries, and is probably the most historical of the three. The third (my fave) is about two rival princes who fall in love, with one of them undergoing a magical sex-change so they can be together.

    Varley, John
  • Steel Beach: strange, but well-written, tale of a future world run by an artificially intelligent computer - which is becoming suicidal! Our kinky sexual progress includes: VR orgasms, androgynous intercourse, and instant sex-changes (if only - grin!).

    Vera, Veronica
  • Miss Vera's Finishing School for Boys Who Want to Be Girls: Although much of it advertises the school, there are also some great tips, true stories, and even a bit of psychology.

    Weiss, Margaret and Perrin, Don
  • Robot Blues: if your taste in sci-fi runs more towards Star Wars than Asimov, this is an adventure for you. In the distant future, an eccentric band of mercenaries are hired to track down an ancient robot with the power to destroy the universe. Fast and fun, with a great transgendered character who's willing to sleep with anything once!

    Wilde, Robin
  • Tabitha's Tease: As if being sent to the ultra-strict Valentine Academy weren't enough, a young man falls quickly into the clutches of Tabitha and her secret sorority. Mmm, female domination by bondage-loving cheerleading coeds - what more could a sissy ask for?

    Wilson, F. Paul
  • Sibs: Unlike his more popular medical thrillers, Sibs is dark, supernatural horror. Everything starts with Kara Wald, an ordinary girl looking into her ordinary sister's kinky murder. Her only hope is to let herself be drawn into the same shadowy world of perverse sexual games, even if it is one from which she may not be able to escape. Well-written and exciting, the transformations ARE the novel. If you don't want to know the key behind the story (it certainly came as a shock to me), I'd advise you to stop here and pick up a copy for yourself. Still here? Okay, don't say I didn't warn you - the villain is a deformed, all-too-human monster with a sickening gift. He is able to invade and control the minds of beautiful young women, using them to satisfy his long-simmering lusts. Truly, anything goes, and if ends in death for his toys, so be it.

  • Got a suggestion? Email me at [email protected] and share.
