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Atwood, Margaret
  • The Handmaid's Tale: literary sci-fi set in a totalitarian future where most women are barren, and where the fertile few (handmaids) must serve as breeding slaves. Dark, intelligent, and often satiric, this is a very powerful tale of one woman who dares to dream of something better.

    Baer, Martha
  • As Francesca: a disturbing tale how one woman's life is affected by her online relationship with a lesbian dominatrix. At first, things are great, and her private sexual submission translates into public success. When her Mistress dissapears, denying her release, her life beings to crumble around her.

    Ball, Margaret
  • Mathemagics: a hilarious continuation to her "Chicks in Chainmail" short-story.

    Barber, Karen
  • Afterglow - More Stories of Lesbian Desire
  • Bushfire - Stories of Lesbian Desire

    Barker, Clive
  • Imagica: It all begins with Gentle (a sorcerer and seducer, with no recollection of his past), Judith (immortal creation, and chosen of the goddesses), and Pie-oh-Pah (a strangely androgynous assassin, who can become everything you desire). What begins as a lovestory, though, quickly evolves into an epic masterpiece in which once-familiar, comfortaing mythologies are twisted into something wonderfully bizarre -- before being reversed and undone.
    Without revealing too much of the story, Barker offers a reality that has been split into 5 separate worlds - the Dominions of the Imajica. Each Dominion is a self-contained fantasy world, rendered with exquisite detail & the creativity we expect from Barker. An attempt was made decades ago to reconcile the Dominions and bring Earth back into the Imajica, but it was a catastrophic failure. Now, though, Gentle is ready to make a second attempt - confronting himself, his creator, and eternity in the process.
    Alternately gruesome, arousing, starting, and awe-inspiring, this is Barker at this absolute best.

    Bataille, Diane
  • The Whip Angels: a fantastic, incredibly erotic descent into the world of dominance and submission, revealed through the increasingly addictive journal entries of a young woman.

    Beresford, Titian
  • Cinderella: the classic fairy tale, as you've never seen it before!

    Blaylock, Susan
  • Getaway: a glorious lesbian thriller about a young computer genius who takes refuge from her employers in a matriarchial community -- where things are not as sweet as they seem.

    Bowen, Gary (ed)
  • Cyber Magick: an anthology of lesbian science fiction.

    Bradley, Marion Zimmer
  • Free Amazon trilogy: a stand-alone trilogy set in her famous fantasy world of Darkover. Backed by a great plot and wonderful writing, Camilla (voluntarily neutered), Jaelle (a Free Amazon), and Magda (an Earthwoman) will ultimately triumph in their quests and battles, despite their male-dominated, feudal society. Whether you're looking for lesbian relationships, bisexual love triangles, or the sisterly friendship between women, this is a story you can really cheer about, hon.
    includes: The Shattered Chain, Thendara House & City of Sorcery

    Bright, Susie
  • Herotica: absolutely my fave collection of erotica by women, for women, and about women. Straight? Lesbian? Bisexual? Doesn't matter! Romantic? Kinky? Again, doesn't matter! There's truly something here for us all.
    includes: Herotica, Herotica 2, Herotica 3, Herotica 4, Herotica 5 & Herotica 6.

    Brite, Poppy Z. (ed.)
  • Love in Vein and Love in Vein II: This is, without a doubt, the finest collection of erotic vampire fiction ever assembled. I'm often leery of anthologies, but there were really only one or two stories here that I felt inclined to skim past. Don't be fooled, though -- these are not all bloodsucking, black-caped, supernatural creatures of the night. Instead, the theme of vampirism is toyed with to great effect -- with fiends feeding on blood, sex, life, and even emotion. My personal favourites are 'Empty Vessels' by David B. Silva, 'The Marriage' by Steve & Melanie Tem, 'A Slow Red Whisper of Sand' by Robert Devereaux, and 'Ceilings and Sky' by Lucy Taylor.

    Brown, Rita Mae
  • Venus Envy: a funny, touching, sexy story about a young woman on her deathbed. In a series of letters, she tells her friends and family what she really thinks of them, coming out as a lesbian. Only problem is, the doctors goofed - she isn't dying after all!

    Brownrigg, Elizabeth
  • Falling to Earth: A beautifully surreal story of a lesbian artist who sacrificed everything to succeed as the manager of a software company. As her regrets and sorrows being to build, her guardian angel appears to tempt her with tales that Alice cannot resist writing down. Eventually, her own creativity frees her to love again . . .

    Brownworth, Victoria A. (ed.)
  • Night Bites - Vampire Stories by Women: another great vampire anthology, described as "tales of blood and lust" by and about women.
  • Night Shade - Gothic Tales by Women: this is the perfect book to curl up with on a dark and stormy night. The stories all have a dark, eerie, otherwordly quality to them that I just loved.

    Celbridge, Yolanda
  • Police Ladies: set in a remote Scottish police training academy, young women are taught much more than just how to maintain law and order (such as the special use of truncheons). However, the finest of the recruits have been gradually disappearing, stolen by a nearby pony-girl training establishment and unique medical clinic!

    Chalker, Jack L.
  • The Changewinds: one of my favourite sci-fi/fantasy trilogies - a fantastic story with great characters, clearly written with readers like us in mind. Charley (a chemically altered bisexual sex-goddess), Sam (a lesbian magically confined in a man's body) and Boday (a lesbian Amazon alchemist) are heroines you can sympathize with and really cheer for.

    Charlton, Roger
  • The Bitch Witch: an erotic tale of an 18th century dominatrix.

    Charnas, Suzy McKee
  • Holdfast Chronicles: one of my most recent discoveries, and one I'm very happy to share. In a future where all civilized women are slaves, a runaway discovers the Riding Women - Amazonian lesbians who teach her the meaning of love. Years later, she returns to free her sisters in bondage!
    includes: The Slave and the Free, The Furies, & The Conqueror's Child

    Cherryh, C.J.
  • Books of Morgaine: the story of Morgaine, a bitch-goddess of a heroine who wields Changling, a blade that possesses the negative energy of a black hole. Along with Vanye, a disgraced princeling she claimed as her own, they travel through the Gates of space and time -- and destroy them. BTW, if this sounds vaguely familiar, the producers of 'Stargate' borrowed the idea years later, although neither the movie nor the series capture the imagination and adventure here.
    includes: Gate of Ivrel, Well of Shiuan, Fires of Azeroth, & Exile's Gate

    Cilescu, Valentina
  • Mistress Mine: the VERY erotic adventures of a lesbian Indiana Jones and her unwilling, virginal assistant.
    includes: My Lady's Pleasure, Body and Soul & Mistress Mine

    Cole, Alan and Bunch, Chris
  • A Warrior's Tale: a wonderful work of epic fantasy, starring a lesbian heroine and her band of female adventurers. This one's well written and imaginative, sure to appeal to mainstream and alternative readers alike.

    Crozier, Ouida
  • Shadows After Dark: a fantastic adventure in which the vampires prove to be mankind's salvation from the AIDS virus.

    Delaney, Lupton & Toth
  • The Curse: Wise, weird, and wonderful work on menstruation, covering everything from medieval superstitions, to music, food, sex, jokes, and the tampon/maxipad industry.

    Donoghue, Emma
  • Kissing the Witch - Old Tales in New Skins: A lovely collection of revised fairy-tales that cast the myth of the handsome prince aside. It all starts with a Cinderella who falls in love with her fairy Godmother, and just gets better from there.
  • We Are Michael Field: Based on the story alone, this is a wonderful book. The fact that it's a true biography, however, adds a certain erotic tension that really grabs you. It's the story of Michael Field, a famous Victorian playwright who was later revealed to be the psuedonym of Katherine Bradley & Edith Cooper -- aunt and niece, artistic partners, and lesbian lovers.

    Edghill, Rosemary
  • Bell, Book, and Murder: a collection of 3 great mysteries, featuing Bast - a Witch from NY. The stories all involve the Wiccan community, complete with scenes of Pagan ritual and Goddess worship, but Edghill smartly resists any kind of supernatural plot twist.

    Ennis, Catherine
  • To The Lightning: an incredible, romantic adventure about two women who fall in love after a freak lightning bolt transports them back to prehistoric times.

    Forrest, Katherine V.
  • Daughters of a Coral Dawn: a truly fun, fantastic tale of the future (with a touch of romance), in which a self-contained society of women are working to make men obsolete.

    Foster, Nicole
  • Awakening the Virgin: sometimes erotic & sometimes romantic, this a lovely collection of true stories about virginal lesbian seduction. Suprisingly, though, it's not always the virgin who's being seduced (grin).

    Fox, Astrid
  • Rika's Jewell: Rika's Jewell: If you're the kind of person who indulges in the guilty pleasures of an episode or two of Xena, yet finds the show a bit too much of a tease, then this is the novel for you. Actually, comparing the exploits of Rika and her fellow Vikings to those of Xena doesn't begin to do this story justice, but at least it's a comparison many of us can relate to. Set against the pseudo-historical backdrop of a war between Saxon brutes and Scandinavian dykes, it's really the tale submissive young Rika's personal quest for love and glory. Although the subject matter may be a little over-the-top for some readers, it's a far better tale than I could have hoped for. The characters are superb, the action sequences are worthy of an Amazonian Braveheart, and the pagan eroticism is masterfully handled. This is one of the few erotic novels I've ever read where I sometimes found myself skimming the sex to get back to the plot (although, I must admit, I did go back to enjoy what I missed!).

    Frantzen, Allen
  • Before the Closet - Same-Sex Love from Beowulf to Angels in America: A fantastic book that presents the history of gay/lez/bi relationships in an educational, but erotic and eminently readable fashion. Medieval sexuality . . . warrior lovers . . . cross-dressing saints . . . transvestite Shakespearean actors . . . and much more.

    Frei, Irene Gonzalez & Cordero, Kristina
  • Your Name Written on Water - An Erotic Novel: My gawd, i can't believe how much i loved this book! Sofia, a young battered woman, finds the strength to escape her husband and seek true happiness. What she finds is Marina -- an experienced, intelligent, exotic lover who just happens to be Sofia's exact physical double! Mind you, it gets a little dark when Sofia's husband catches up to them, but the ending is everything you could ask for.

    Friday, Nancy
  • Forbidden Flowers: her second collection of women's fantasies, with an emphasis on (surprise) the forbidden.
  • My Secret Garden: the original, controversial bestseller that reveals the deepest, darkest, kinkiest fantasies of real women.
  • Women on Top: her third collection, this time with an emphasis on women in control.

    Friesner, Esther (ed.)
  • Chicks in Chainmail: a fun collection of stories that turn conventional stereotypes on their head, presenting us with women warriors who out-muscle & out-think their opponents.
  • Did You Say Chicks?: more light-hearted, often satirical adventure (to be honest, hon, I liked this one better than her first!).

    Garber & Gomez (eds.)
  • Swords of the Rainbow: sci-fi & fantasy stories that deal with alternative sexualities in a positive light.

    Gearhart, Sally Miller
  • Wanderground: feminist classic about a futuristic lesbian utopia where women can communicate telepathically with the world around them. With strong themes of community, love, and sacrifice, this is a story that should inspire us all.

    Gomez, Jewelle
  • The Gilda Chronicles: a feminist novel that combines science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Gomez relates the tale of an 18th century slave who escapes into a world of lesbian vampires.

    Griffin, Aarona
  • Leda and the House of Spirits: there are actually 2 novellas in this collection, but it is the second that captured my imagination. Lydia's beautiful new home brings with it some very erotic dreams . . . but are they just dreams?

    Griffith, Nicola (ed)
  • Ammonite: sent to observe the all-female inhabitants of a distant planet, a young scientist disovers a corpse with whom she shares an unusual genital deformity. Shocked to find she's not alone, she eventually uncovers the mysterious virus responsible. Not only did it kill all the men, but it has also made it possible for the women to reproduce amongst themselves! Armed with this knowledge, she will attempt to end the genocidal war that's tearing apart the planet. This is a well-written book, hon, with an all-female cast of heroines and villainesses that we can truly admire.
  • Bending the Landscape: Fantasy: an anthology that covers the spectrum from some in-your-face sexuality, to stories with characters who just happen to be gay/lez/bi.
  • Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction: her second anthology, offering more of the same (which is definitely NOT a bad thing - grin).

    Harvey, Kathryn
  • Butterfly: a erotic thriller centred around an exclusive club where women come to act out their wildest fantasies. Of course, scandal and treachery soon follow, leaving many prominent threatened by their own obsessions.

    Holmlund, Mona
  • Women Together - Portraits of Love, Commitment, and Life: a gorgeous photographic celebration of lesbian relationships around the world, focussing on young and old alike. Not just a feel-good book, but something you can share.

    Jaivin, Linda
  • Eat Me: almost as amusing as it is arousing, this is truly a gal's tale. When a cradle-robbing photographer, a insatiable fashion mag editor, a decievingly naughty feminist scholar, and a voyeurstic writer get together . . . mmmmm!

    Jennings, Gary
  • Aztec: a truly original epic fantasy about the fall of the Aztec civilization. Although the whole story is wonderful, it's worth reading just for the scenes of Aztec worship that feature ritualized lesbian/bisexual sex.

    Jennings, James
  • First Training: Gawd, this one is hot, hon! Set in Victorian England, it's the story of a young woman who's learning the arts of domination from her mother. First to fall under her heel are her brothers, her father, and then . . .

    Jones, Gwyneth
  • Flowerdust: a complex, well-plotted, futuristic tale of one woman's rebellion against the matriarchal Southeast Asian goverment. Together, she and her lesbian android lover will bring hope to the refugee camps, and strike fear into the hearts of the ruling family.

    Kasak, R.
  • Metamorphosis of Lisette Joyaux & The Story of Monique: two tales of lesbian D/S, the first with innocent Lisette, the second with ripe & randy Monique.

    Keesey, Pam (ed.)
  • Daughters of Darkness and Dark Angels: A pair of wonderful lesbian vampire collections, the second of which take a far darker, more dangerous approach. Drawing upon everything from biblical traditions, to Eastern European folktales, to contemporary fantasies, Keesey's selections provide a fascinating jourey through the evolution of the lesbian feminist vampire. Included is Sheridan LeFanu's chilling & erotic 'Carmilla,' an excerpt from Jewelle Gomez's "Gilda Stories" (a tale of vampiric escape from 19th century racial slavery), Pat Califia's perverse bdsm tale 'Vampire,' and Carol Leonard's 'Medea.' The emphasis on feminism over violent vampire fantasy may turn off some readers, but you'd be surprised at how much we've taken for granted.

  • Women Who Run With the Werewolves: I haven't had a chance to read this one yet, but if it's half as good as her vampire anthologies, it should be a winner.

    Kenney, Shawna
  • I Was A Teenage Dominatrix: An incredibly sexy true-story that proves good girls can go bad -- and discover a better life because of it! As informative as it is arousing, this journal of Shawna's life as a paid dominatrix is well worth reading. Be warned, though -- she makes no attempt to tone things down, or to appeal to a vanilla world. Of course, that's a big reason why i liked it (giggle).

    Knight, Amarantha
  • Candy in Captivity: the story of Candy, an ambitious young real estate agent who, while investigating the sale of a glorious castle, stumbles an all-female community. Before long, she is made one of their bondmaidens, and learns to submit to the most intense pleasures imaginable.

    Lackey, Mercedes
  • Oathbound: a great little fantasy tale about an Amazonian warrior and her sorceress partner. Although their friendship lacks the lesbian overtones of Xena, they are strong characters whom any woman can admire.

    de Laclos, Choderlos
  • Dangerous Liaisons: the classic tale of 18th century love and lust, in which Vicomte de Valmont and La Marquise de Merteuil engagae in a sadistic game of sexual conquest. Revenge is the name of the game, and the more innocent they are, the more delicious the corruption.

    Livia, Anna
  • Bruised Fruit: A truly wonderful story with some beautifully developed characters. After being abused as a child, Patti becomes a promiscuous, man-killing dyke who eventually falls in love with Caroline. Caroline is fleeing an abusive relationship but things get confusing when Sydney, her hermaphrodite friend and employer, falls in love with her too. The twist is, Caroline isn't intertested in either woman -- she's fallen in love with an eccentric young man named Harold.

    Louys, Pierre
  • The She Devils: This is a wild, no-holds barred, erotic exploration of sexual depravity. It all begins with an exhibitionist bit of sex in a stairwell, leading our hero into the beds of a truly insatiable family. Mother, daughter, another daughter, yet another daughter . . . definitely too much for any one man can handle!

    Malone, Marian
  • No Angel: When Sally Avery encounters an early midlife crisis she chooses to abandon her inhibitions, break free of her workaday life, and embrace a new world of sensuality. From a very hot dom/sub encounter to a magical experience in a haunted hotel, this is a wonderful story.

    Marffin, Kyle
  • Carmilla - The Return: Finally, more than a century after the original lesbian vampire tale shocked Victorian readers, we find out the rest of Carmilla's story. Interweaving episodes from her past with scenes from the present, we watch as she becomes the erotic obsession of one woman after another. This isn't just another tawdry collection of erotic encounters, though -- Carmilla is looking for someone to join her in the fantasy of eternal vampire lesbian love.

    Martinac, Paula
  • Out of Time - A Novel: I just adored this book, and have gleefully recomend it to all my girlfriends. After discovering a rare 1920s photo album, Susan finds herself haunted by ghosts of the lesbians featured inside. Obsessed by their tittilating gossip and seductive whispers, Susan sets out to learn everything she can about her ghosts - further straining her already rocky romance with Catherine.

    Meier, Shirley & Stirling, S.M.
  • The Fifth Millennium: Original and entertaining, this is the story of two wandering heroines in a world of magic. Megan and Shkai'ra come across as real women, rather than idealized archetypes, and their budding romance simply enhances an already great story.
    includes: Saber and Shadow, The Cage, Snow Brother & Shadow's Daughter

    Moon, Elizabeth
  • Deed of Paksenarrion: The epic saga of a poor farm girl who, rather than marrying the pig farmer next door, decided to become a knight. It's a long, brutal struggle before Paks ever realises her dream, but this is the kind of heroine you can really cheer for!
    includes: Sheepfarmer's Daughter, Divided Allegiance, & Oath of Gold

    Murphy, Pat
  • Nadya: The Wolf Chronicles: a combination horror novel, historical advernture, and lesbian romance that you won't want to put down.

    Nera, Franca
  • All That Glitters: an erotic lesbian romance about a beautiful, successful art dealer who has made it her life's goal to recover priceless pieces of art stolen by the Nazis. When she partners up with the gorgeous, dangerous Judith Compton . . . things get really interesting!

    Nettick, Geri
  • Mirrors - Portrait of a Lesbian Transsexual: A gorgeous true story that will make you want to laugh, cry, and cheer out loud. Trapped in a boy's body, Geri's early struggles to understand herself are as honest as they are familiar. When she finally succeeds, only to be shunned by lesbian & feminist communities, her fight to be accepted as a woman is truly heroic.

    Newman, Leslea (ed)
  • Heather Has Two Mommies: the already-classic children's tale of young Heather and her two mommies. Granted, it's probably a little much for younger children to absorb, but you have to respect the book's intent. (Besides, anything that can piss off so many homophobic, holier-than-thou, uptight politicians and preachers can't be all bad!)
  • Pillow Talk - Lesbian Stories Between the Covers: Fresh, well-written erotica that portrays lesbian lust in all its emotional complexity (not to mention, just about every possible position!) My personal favourites are "Kolu, Revisited" (after years of separation, childhood friends meet again & fall in love) and "A Friend of a Friend of Dorothy's" (lonely and curious, an older woman hires a beautiful hooker to teach her about lesbian love)

    Nin, Anais
  • Delta of Venus: a classic tale of erotic sensuality, perfect for those of who enjoy a little feminine insight.

    park, Severna
  • The Prophecy Saga: A sci-fi adventure set in a future where slaves are implanted with genetically engineered viruses that kill them after 20 years of perfect youth & beauty. Sent to negotiate with Faraqui slavers, Mira LoDire is ordered by her superiors to ignore her own morality and buy a slave. In protest, she chooses Costa, a rebellious young woman haunted by prophetic dreams. Together, amidst the turmoil of treachery and war, they will find the love they both thought impossible.
    includes: Speaking Dreams & Hand of Prophecy

    Queen, Carol
  • The Leather Daddy and the Femme: A sexy, kinky tale of what happens when an adventurous tomboy falls under the spell of an experienced Master. Whether she's disguised as a toy for the boys, or submitting to the incredible Mistress Strong, sexy Miranda get exactly what she deserves.

    Queen & Schimel (eds.)
  • Switch Hitters: Lesbians Write Gay Male Erotica & Gay Men Write Lesbian Erotica - very kinky, and very nicely done!

    Rawn, Melanie
  • The Exiles trilogy: I've included this one because Rawn is the best fantasy author currently writing, and her female characters just amazing. She writes what I would describe as epic-political fantasy, with more characters, intrigues and plot twists than you can imagine. At times it can be a challenge keeping everything straight, but it's a welcome change from the mountain of formulaic fiction out there. Exiles is set in the world of Lenfell, a medieval matriarchy under the control of rival wizardly factions. Seperated at birth, three sisters are destined to control the world's fate - with their bitter personal rivalries adding a wonderful depth to their political and magical treacheries.
    includes: The Ruins of Ambrai & The Mageborn Traitor (with a third volume still to come)

    Reage, Pauline
  • Return to the Chateau: the sequel to Story of O.
  • Story of O: classic erotic tale of a woman & her many masters.

    Rednour, Shar (ed)
  • starfucker: Having sifted through past issues of Starphkr magazine, Shar Rednour has compiled an interesting (if uneven) collection of celebrity fantasies for straight, gay, bi, lesbian, and transsexual audiences. Averaging roughly 3 to 10 pages each, these are definite quickies that are solely designed with tittilation in mind. As Rednour says in her introduction, the priorities here are raunchiness first, content second, and literary merit third. Mind you, there is some romance and humour amongst the smut, but there are also a few stories I found rather disturbing.
    Personally, my favourite encounters were those with Marilyn Munster, Monica Lewinsky, Ziggy Stardust, Jesse Helms, Rob Halford, and even Dan Quayle. As for Elvis, Suzanne Sommers, and the Statue of Liberty -- I'd definitely take a pass on those encounters.
    If you're looking for a collection of fantasies to which we can all relate, then give starfucker a try. Just don't expect any quality storytelling or intense character struggles -- there just isn't time.

    Reed, Jeremy
  • Pleasure Chateau: Leanda is mistress of a chateau where she indulges her compulsion for sexual extremes, entertaining everyone from seductive transsexuals, to erotic deviants, to kinky freaks.

    Sade, Marquis de
  • Juliette by Marquis de Sade: Sade's kinky companion piece to Justine, in which we are introduced to her corrupt, perverted, sexy whore of a sister. An excellent primer for those who may be wary of the dark cruelty in his major works.
  • Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings by Marquis de Sade: Justine, Sade's most famous work, is appropriately subtitled Good Conduct Well-Chastised. Simply put, we are invited to witness the sexual, moral, and religious corruption of a most perfect virginal girl (be warned - he pulls no punches).

    Sandler, Helen
  • Big Deal: another great release from the 'Sapphire' line of lesbian erotica about a UK couple who . . . well, make a deal of a lifetime!

    Schimel, Lawrence
  • The Drag Queen of Elfland: a sexy collection of gay/lesbian supernatural stories.

    Singleton, Jacqui
  • Heartstone and Saber: a lesbian swashbuckling adventure for those who enjoy a little light-hearted fantasy.

    Springer, Nancy
  • Larque on the Wing: a touching, supernatural exploration of one woman's mid-life crisis. Confronted a psychic doppelganger who is a much younger version of herself, she embarks on a wild and wonderful adventure, eventually transforming herself into a gay man. I know it sounds weird, hon, but it's a terrific story.

    Stanton, Eric
  • The Dominant Wives & Other Stories: this is it, hon -- the best femdom collection you'll ever find in any bookstore. With 28 stories to arouse you, with tons of full-colour erotic art, it'll be a challenge holding it with one hand!

  • The Fifth Sacred Thing: an entertaining fantasy saga about the creation of a feminist utopia. What really sets is apart, though, is the way Starhawk's avoids the temptation to simply put her women at war with the men. This is an optimistic, uplifting, and emotional adventure.

    Stewart, Jean
  • Return to Isis: this one's a fun futuristic adventure, set in a post-nuclear world where the sexes have gone their separate ways. Combines science-fiction, romance, and strong female characters - most of whom are lesbians.

    Tan, Cecilia (ed.)
  • Cherished Blood: Vampire Erotica: another great collection, edited by the Queen of erotic sci-fi & horror.
  • Erotica Vampirica: Sensual Vampire Stories: her first collection of sexy vampire tales.
  • Forged Bonds: Erotic Tales of High Fantasy: what she did for vampires, Tan does for swords and sorcery too!
  • New Worlds of Women: Tan is back again with a lesbian collection this time around. Sexy and imaginative, as always.
  • Of Princes & Beauties: erotic fairy tales for adults.
  • S&M Pasts: alternate history erotica for sci-fi and fantasy lovers.
  • Stars Inside Her: Another wonderfully sexy, well-written collection of lesbian erotica from the Mistress of erotic storytelling.

    Taormino, Triston (ed)
  • Best Lesbian Erotica 2000: Haven't had a chance to read this one yet, but if it's half as sexy as the previous volumes . . . mmmm!

    Taylor, Georgia
  • Lamia: A Witch: this is one to curl up with and read when you're feeling sexy and romantic. Lamia is a 16th century outcast, the daughter of a witch (herself burned at the stake) and (rumour has it) the devil himself. This is a tale of supernatural adventure, with some erotic, occult sex-scenes that will literally knock your socks off!

    Tepper, Sheri S.
  • The Gate to Women's Country: a dark, imaginative tale of a future in which peaceful women reside in walled cities, safe from the petty wars of male barbarians. They key to this novel is The Gate, which brings together lovers and dreamers from both worlds.

    Tsui, Kitty
  • Breathless - Erotica: Beautifully written, hard-edged, explicit, no-holds-barred, depictions of lesbian sex. Kitty sets out to arouse, and makes no excuses for it.

    Tulchinsky, Karen C.(ed.)
  • Hot and Bothered - Short Short Fiction on Lesbian Desire : sixty-nine stories, all around 1000 words, covering everything from erotic piercings to fetishistic vampires to sweet romance.
  • Hot and Bothered 2 - Short Short Fiction on Lesbian Desire : the second installment of quickie lesbian erotica, all very well written and sure to leave you hot and bothered (grin).

    Walker, Barbara
  • Feminist Fairy Tales: More than just a simple inversion of traditional fairy tales, the stories here are also about female spirtuality, goddess religions, and female folklore that's just as deserving of celelbration as anything from Grimm, Shakespear, or the bible.

    Waters, Sara
  • Tipping the Velvet: Weird, wild, wonderful, and totally unpredicable! It all starts with a friendship between Nancy (our narrator) and Miss Kitty Butler (a seductive, F-M transvestite) that makes Alice (Nancy's sister & lover) jealous. Before the incredible tale is over, Nancy will find love, have her heart broken, experience life as a male prostitute, and serve under the cruel, carnal, kinky Mistress Diana.

    Weathers, Brenda
  • The House at Pelham Falls: a wonderfully dark, eerie tale of a supernatural love triangle. Frustrated by her secretive love for Maggi, Karen flees to the countryside, only to be seduced by the ghost of another woman. As winter sets in to isolate them from the rest of the world, Maggi must fight both nature and the supernatural to win back her love.

    Welsh, Lindsay
  • Bad Habits: when a young slave displeases her Mistress, she's sent to the ultimate finishing school, where the Governess breaks her of her bad habits.
  • Military Secrets: come visit a very special boot camp where one incredible submissive surprises the dominatrix sergeants by winning the collar of Colonel Candice.
  • Second Sight: Pushed onto the third rail of a subway tunnel by her homophobic attackers, Dana Steele not only survives, but awakens with superhuman powers! Together, Dana and her lover will dedicate themselves to the protection of their lesbian sisters everywhere. (tons of fun!)

    Wolfe, Chris Anne
  • Annabel and I: Jenny lives in the 1980s, while Annabel's world is of the 1890s, but every summer they renew their strange, magical friendship at Chatauqua Lake. As they begin to explore the mystery of their impossible friendship, an even more impossible romance blooms between them.
  • Bitter Thorns: a lesbian retelling of the classic "Beauty and the Beast" story that succeeds beautifully.

    Yolen, Jane (ed)
  • Xanadu: whole not necessarily devoted to readers like us, the anthology does include several positive depictions of gay/lez/bi characters.

    Zimet, Jaye
  • Strange Sisters - The Art of Lesbian Pulp Fiction 1949-1969: A sexy journey into the steamy underworld of the old lesbian pulp romances, featuring "over 200 sleazily appealing book covers." Gawd, it's great to see how far we've come (grin)

  • Got a suggestion? Email me at [email protected] and share.
