Gay / Bi

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Arnason, Eleanor
  • Ring of Swords: Thisis not your typical alien-invasion, war-with-Earth, sci-fi adventure. The aliens come from a world where heterosexuality is taboo and the population is segregated along gender lines.

    Barker, Clive
  • Imagica: It all begins with Gentle (a sorcerer and seducer, with no recollection of his past), Judith (immortal creation, and chosen of the goddesses), and Pie-oh-Pah (a strangely androgynous assassin, who can become everything you desire). What begins as a lovestory, though, quickly evolves into an epic masterpiece in which once-familiar, comfortaing mythologies are twisted into something wonderfully bizarre -- before being reversed and undone.
    Without revealing too much of the story, Barker offers a reality that has been split into 5 separate worlds - the Dominions of the Imajica. Each Dominion is a self-contained fantasy world, rendered with exquisite detail & the creativity we expect from Barker. An attempt was made decades ago to reconcile the Dominions and bring Earth back into the Imajica, but it was a catastrophic failure. Now, though, Gentle is ready to make a second attempt - confronting himself, his creator, and eternity in the process.
    Alternately gruesome, arousing, starting, and awe-inspiring, this is Barker at this absolute best.

  • Weaveworld: an awesome mix of epic-fantasy and gut-wrenching horror, featuring a few bisexual characters. This one is, by far, my favourite.
  • The Books of the Art: a wonderful tale of forbidden magic and an approaching apocalypse. Barker's first novel to prominently feature gay heroes AND villains.
    (includes The Great and Secret Show & Everville)
  • Sacrament: a dark fantasy, with some interesting supernatural twists, but one that is definitely set in the (so-called) real world. This is the story of a gay photographer obsessed with documenting extinction. To say more would be to give too much away, but it is truly a wonderful, touching novel.

    Bowen, Gary
  • Diary of a Vampire: another sexy vampire tale, this time about a gay man with a taste for S&M. Also includes a wonderful shape-changing scene, where he becomes a woman!

    Brite, Poppy Z. (ed.)
  • Love in Vein: absolutely the best collection of erotic vampire fiction ever put together.
  • Love in Vein II: another great collection that provides some serious competition for her first.

    Cashorali & Hopcke (eds.)
  • Fairy Tales: Traditional Tales Retold for Gay Men: funny, touching, and very sexy twists on the fairy tales of Grimm & others.
  • Gay Fairy & Folk Tales: their second collection.

    Crozier, Ouida
  • Shadows After Dark: a fantastic adventure in which the vampires prove to be mankind's salvation from the AIDS virus.

    Delany, Samuel
  • Dhalgren: the adventures of a mysterious young man in post-apocalyptic society.
  • They Fly at Ciron: fantastic sci-fi tale of an alien race that makes love while flying through the air.

    Fox, Brandon
  • Apprenticed to Pleasure: traditional sword & sorcery, but one that starts in a brothel and follows its gay hero from there!

    Frantzen, Allen
  • Before the Closet - Same-Sex Love from Beowulf to Angels in America: A fantastic book that presents the history of gay/lez/bi relationships in an educational, but erotic and eminently readable fashion. Medieval sexuality . . . warrior lovers . . . cross-dressing saints . . . transvestite Shakespearean actors . . . and much more.

    Garber & Gomez (eds.)
  • Swords of the Rainbow: sci-fi & fantasy stories that deal with alternative sexualities in a positive light.

    Griffith, Nicola (ed)
  • Bending the Landscape: Fantasy: an anthology that covers the spectrum from some in-your-face sexuality, to stories with characters who just happen to be gay/lez/bi.
  • Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction: her second anthology, offering more of the same (which is definitely NOT a bad thing - grin).

    Jennings, Gary
  • Aztec: a truly original epic fantasy about the fall of the Aztec civilization. Although the whole story is wonderful, it's worth reading just for the scenes of Aztec worship that feature ritualized lesbian/bisexual sex.

    Lackey, Mercedes
  • The Last Herald Mage: one of my favourite fantasy sagas - Vanyel, an outcast because of his awesome magic & homosexuality, is also the world's greatest hero. His tale is one of romance and excitement, with wonderful settings, characters, and some touching themes.
    (includes: Magic's Pawn, Magic's Promise & Magic's Price)

    Leddick, David
  • My Worst Date: a fun tale of a young man who works as a stripper, stars in a prime-time soap opera, and is dating his mother's boyfriend!

    Louys, Pierre
  • The She Devils: This is a wild, no-holds barred, erotic exploration of sexual depravity. It all begins with an exhibitionist bit of sex in a stairwell, leading our hero into the beds of a truly insatiable family. Mother, daughter, another daughter, yet another daughter . . . definitely too much for any one man can handle!

    McHugh, Maureen
  • China Mountain Zhang: a big, bold sci-fi novel set in a future where China dominates the world & homosexuality is punishable by death. With a half-Asian, gay hero, rebellion and excitement are guaranteed.

    Meltzer, David
  • The Agency Trilogy: a wild and sexy novel about dark conspiracies of sexual dominance, set in an grim future America.

    Queen, Carol
  • The Leather Daddy and the Femme: A sexy, kinky tale of what happens when an adventurous tomboy falls under the spell of an experienced Master. Whether she's disguised as a toy for the boys, or submitting to the incredible Mistress Strong, sexy Miranda get exactly what she deserves.

    Queen & Schimel (eds.)
  • Switch Hitters: Lesbians Write Gay Male Erotica & Gay Men Write Lesbian Erotica - very kinky, and very nicely done!

    Rednour, Shar (ed)
  • starfucker: Having sifted through past issues of Starphkr magazine, Shar Rednour has compiled an interesting (if uneven) collection of celebrity fantasies for straight, gay, bi, lesbian, and transsexual audiences. Averaging roughly 3 to 10 pages each, these are definite quickies that are solely designed with tittilation in mind. As Rednour says in her introduction, the priorities here are raunchiness first, content second, and literary merit third. Mind you, there is some romance and humour amongst the smut, but there are also a few stories I found rather disturbing.
    Personally, my favourite encounters were those with Marilyn Munster, Monica Lewinsky, Ziggy Stardust, Jesse Helms, Rob Halford, and even Dan Quayle. As for Elvis, Suzanne Sommers, and the Statue of Liberty -- I'd definitely take a pass on those encounters.
    If you're looking for a collection of fantasies to which we can all relate, then give starfucker a try. Just don't expect any quality storytelling or intense character struggles -- there just isn't time.

    Renault, Mary
  • The Persian Boy: a historical fantasy about Alexander the Great - hero, conquerer, and gay lover.

    Row, Michael & Roche, Thomas (eds.)
  • Brothers of the Night: their first collection of gay vampire stories.
  • Sons of Darkness: their second collection of gay vampire stories.

    Sade, Marquis de
  • The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings: his masterwork - four of the most perverted men alive gather in a secret castle, surrounded my their wives, slaves, and concubines. Together, they will explore all the kinks and passions known to man.

    Schimel, Lawrence
  • The Drag Queen of Elfland: a sexy collection of gay/lesbian supernatural stories.

    Soles, Caro (ed)
  • Meltdown: a very wild, intense collection of gay science fiction that features a society where unprotected sex is illegal, a romantic ghost story; a transsexual zombie lover, and an alien hermaphrodite dancer who likes S&M, and more!

    Springer, Nancy
  • Larque on the Wing: a touching, supernatural exploration of one woman's mid-life crisis. Confronted a psychic doppelganger who is a much younger version of herself, she embarks on a wild and wonderful adventure, eventually transforming herself into a gay man. I know it sounds weird, hon, but it's a terrific story.

    Stanton, Eric
  • The Dominant Wives & Other Stories: this is it, hon -- the best femdom collection you'll ever find in any bookstore. With 28 stories to arouse you, with tons of full-colour erotic art, it'll be a challenge holding it with one hand!

    Tan, Cecilia (ed.)
  • Cherished Blood: Vampire Erotica: another great collection, edited by the Queen of erotic sci-fi & horror.
  • Erotica Vampirica: Sensual Vampire Stories: her first collection of sexy vampire tales.
  • Forged Bonds: Erotic Tales of High Fantasy: what she did for vampires, Tan does for swords and sorcery too!
  • Of Princes & Beauties: erotic fairy tales for adults.
  • S&M Pasts: alternate history erotica for sci-fi and fantasy lovers.

    Tarr, Judith
  • Avaryan Rising:
    an epic fantasy trilogy (in one volume) with some wonderfully romantic touches. The first book features a band of bisexual mercenaries, and is probably the most historical of the three. The third (my fave) is about two rival princes who fall in love, with one of them undergoing a magical sex-change so they can be together.

    Townsend, Larry
  • Beware the God Who Smiles: a kinky sci-fi tale of 2 Americans, mysteriously transported to ancient Egypt, who are soon enslaved by barbarians!

    Turtledove, Harry
  • The Videssos Cycle: When two magics collide, a Roman Legion and Celtic warrior are transported to another world. Forced to become allies, they find work as a mercenary company. The First book deals positively with a few gay characters, and later books feature an entire army made up of gay soldiers.
    (includes: The Misplaced Legion, An Emperor for the Legion, Legion of Videssos & Swords of the Legion )

    Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy
  • Rose of the Prophet trilogy: not their best collaboration, but still a fun read for lovers of epic fantasy. Basically, it's the tale of a rival prince and princess who must unite in order to save the world for a war amongst the gods. No sex, but features a very positive portrayal of a gay hero.
    (includes: Will of the Wanderer, Paladin of the Night & Prophet of Akhran)

    Yolen, Jane (ed)
  • Xanadu: whole not necessarily devoted to readers like us, the anthology does include several positive depictions of gay/lez/bi characters.

  • Got a suggestion? Email me at [email protected] and share.
