My Biography

About me

Hello,!To all who are reading this. My name is Taya Suzanne Cross, I'm a pre-opM/F transsexual. I have a target date for SRS!,year 2000. I'm 5101/2,slim build and am 65 yrs young.. and in good health!! medium blond hair!(Yes,!!I'm another blond) deep brown eyes .Or so i have been told ! Even tho i was born into a male body ,I have always known i was a female .. I was raised as a girl and was sent to school as a female ,but the school found out and made my mother send me to school as a male . I hated the clothes and all that went with being a male . I wanted to be with the girls and play their games . School for me was hard ,In that i was teased all the time or beat up on the way home !! I think the one most embarassing thing to ever happen to me was in High School. We had to drerss down for gym, and i got cayght wearing panties... I ran from school and never went back...I was a slim built child and never grew that much in weight or stature!! I went thru a long period of denial and married four times Three where divorces over being a TS..My fourth wife was understanding , but she had kids to raise ,so again i waited ..until they were raised ...If i had it to do over, Iwould not wait more than i had to. I look back and see all the time i could have been the real me TAYA ...A WOMAN !!!!! I am now as of this wrtitting,living full time and have never been so happy! Waiting for the year 2000 is hard !! Time is passing fast!!tho.. If i was to say anything to a TS ,Don't wait ,!!Be who you are now !! Time goes by so fast , Cherish your time be you !! Thank you so much for Staying and reading my story ,, Be happy .Taya Suzanne...HUGGS To you all!! My e-mail is [email protected].. Contact me if ever you need to talk about TS or what ever , BYE!!