ts hopes

More Than Dreams

It has taken me far too many decades to get to this point, and I do
not intend to let the opportunity to live my life to the fullest
slip further away. The dream of living life as a female for me is
no longer a misty hope but a possibility - a possibility however
requiring all the resourcefulness and determination I can muster ...
... and all the friends and advice I can find.

Sure problems abound and need to be surmounted: my looks,
my 'middle age', my concern over what others will think;
all substantial, but all I can do something about. But one
problem remains most perplexing: how will I support myself in my
new to be gender role. For this I could sure use the insights,
and hopefully the leads, others can provide.

My professional skills fall into 2 distinct categories: I am an attorney
by standing but make my living in the computer field. Laura's future
career path is somewhat fuzzy, but interests seem to lie in the same
areas. If anyone out there has any leads that might pertain to either
of these fields this girl sure would appreciate them. I would most
readily provide my resume details.

For that matter, since this girl is starting anew, I am not averse to
considering other possibilities. My main priority is to be myself;
how I go about supporting myself, though of importance, is somewhat
secondary. Let me be less subtle - this girl will need a job in the
near term future.
My skills and attributes are standing by, as is
a summarized resume.

Any suggestions ... ideas ... offers ?

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