Diane in Maine      First of All, let me introduce myself. I am a post-op Trans Sexual living full-time as a woman. Like most people similar to me, I began to dress in girl's clothing at an early age. My cousin shared her clothes and feminine style with me for several years during our pre-teens and early teen years. I dressed frequently during my highschool years and almost continuously during College when, to my delight, I found that my roommate was also a cross-dresser. There were many times when, because of guilt and indecision, I purged my closet and drawers of feminine clothing and tried to act like a "normal" male. Following College graduation I taught public school music for 2 years. About the same time I married a girl I had met in college. She knew nothing of my "hobby" and my alter-ego, Diane, was kept supressed during our marriage.

     After 2 years of unhappiness we drifted apart.... she left for another man.... and we divorced. Out of my despair and depression, Diane was reborn! I had been smart enough to seek professional help which lead me to the realization that there was a woman within me trying to get out.

     Following therapy and a thorough Doctor's examination, I began a supervised program of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and also began to live full time as Diane. Since it didn't seem like a good idea to transition into a woman in a public school situation, I quit my job as a teacher. I was fourtunate enough to find a position with an Electronics Company as a Technical Writer... with the option to work at home and send my material to the office via Computer Network. Shortly after being hired, I signed my life away and bought a small abandoned farm in upstate New York. The old farm house was sound but needed a lot of work.

     I have a wonderful woman as my "Significant Other" who has been my chief critic and guide in things femme. We have a beautiful daugher, Elizabeth Ann, who was born just before Thanksgiving 1998. We have remodeled and restored the old farm house . . . including a huge colonial style fireplace in the kitchen.

     I returned to teaching as a music and computer teacher in an elementary school. Working with my kidlettes was very rewarding, but I elected to stay at home with Elizabeth while my "SO" returned to her teaching job. I worked from home as a Technical Writer for the company I had been working for, but was asked to return to the classroom again. I'm still teaching, loving just about every minute of it! Elizabeth goes to Day-Care located on the High School Campus. Since Arlene's clasroom is nearby, she can check on Elizabeth throughout the day.

     In June of 1998 I finally achieved my dream and had my SRS! The joy of being as complete a woman as is possible is indescribable! My surgery was trouble-free and everything works perfectly! I won't publically discuss anything more about the surgery or my Doctor. Anyone wishing more information should Email me by clicking on the link below.

My Birds!

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