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a little introduction:

Hello and welcome to my little piece of the World Wide Web. My name is Dee Annette and I'm a male-to-female pre-operative transsexual.  I hope to one day become post-operative. Before hormone treatment I was basically scared and actually thought that I could never have a sex change operation—thought it was just for Hollywood types. Of course over the years my knowledge has built up regarding sex reassignment surgery, so one day when I'm rich enough huh? [smile]

This web site started some years back—seems like a lifetime ago now. This was the first way in which I came out to anyone publicly—a nerve racking experience at the time—but one I have never regretted.

a little background information:

I've been living in New Zealand since the beginning of 1994. I was born in Bath, Avon in England. I grew up with two elder sisters and both parents in a small market town in Somerset. That particular town was a very narrow minded arena to grow up in and so I was not surprised to find myself "coming-out" at the age of twenty six. I am now thirty two. I have always been a fan of the Arts and disappointed my parents by going to Art School instead of joining the Army or Navy or whatever—I believe my father was in the RAF. It's funny—from all the books I've read about TS / TV adventures—it seems that I would have had heaps of exposure to "men dressing as woman" if I had joined the Armed Forces. Perhaps my father knew something I didn't?

I eventually graduated from University with a Bachelor Of Arts Honours Degree in Design. I worked in London for two years for a top-notch video post-production house. Almost as soon as arriving there I met a New Zealand girl who I fell in love with and eventually left for New Zealand to be with her. We had been living together up until about March 1998, but are now separated and have no contact with each other. I was extremely upset at first but then realised that I could concentrate on developing who I really am. And so—on the other side of the world—I'm living my life full-time as a woman. This web site is really a record with text and photos of my transition—plus I've written a work in progress story about my life. Feel free to look around by following the links at the top of each page.

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