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Here is some info about me.

This pic taken July 2001 and that's my real hair, not a wig.

I was born in that little tail of Missouri in 1960. My daddy wouldn't take my mother to the hospital (30 miles away) until after Perry Mason went off. I was born that Saturday night within 20 minutes after they arrived at the hospital.

When I was a toddler still living up in Missouri, there was a family that babysitted me a lot. They had a teenage daughter, who rarely cleaned her room. Well one day while I was there being babysitted, this she had her new boyfriend over for her mom to meet. Since I was new to walking, I loved to wander everywhere. That day I went into her room and when I came back to where everyone was at, I had on one of her bras. Imagine seeing a curly haired toddler walk up to her new boyfriend. Can you imagine the expression on his face when he lookds down at me in her bra and my diaper. He laughed and picked me up for all to see. I have been told that this teenage girl quickly took the bra off me and then cleaned her room. It stayed clean from then on.

In thinking back to when I was in the first grade. We lived in Wolf City, TX. The girl that lived across the street was my age and she was always telling me that she wished that I was a girl. Also during that time, I would visit my cousin alot and her mom kept the house very cold at night. I didn't have any pajama's and usually just slept in my underwear back then. All she had for me to wear to sleep in was my cousins nighties. I remember liking the ruffled panties. So I just had to try on some of my mothers panties. They were way too big. I really started putting on my mothers underwear on a regular basis when I was about 10 years old. As a teen, when I was alone at home I did dress up in her clothes. When I was 15, I decided to dress up as a girl for Halloween. My mother helped me. She didn't know how much this excited me. I wore an old pair of her glasses and her wig. I used a towel around my hips to widen them. I stuffed the bra she let me use with panties so it wouldn't look lumpy. She took a few pics of me. I just found those pics on my last visit home. They were in slide format. I've made prints of them and have scanned them. You can view them on my pics page.

My mother and I went out together trick or treating. She wore a hooded black robe so no one could see who she was. Everyone was fooled into thinking that I was her and that she was me. But when she would reveal herself, they then thought I was her younger sister. That was a fun night.

I got married in 1987 and kept this desire a secret until my wife was pregnant with our second son. But we are now divorced. She at first didn't accept it, but later acted as if she did. Now she is just plain bitter about everything.

The Summer of '97 my X and I went to Memphis and saw a drag show. We found that most of the TV's, TS's and CD's looked better than the real women there. My interest in meeting someone experienced in this to help me got a good boost that night.

A couple that my X met on the net wanted to meet me. So I dressed and visited them. We had an enjoyable time just talking. Before I left he asked if he could take some pictures of me. He has one of those camaras that after the picture is taken it can be loaded directly into the computer. So he did that and put them on a disc for me and I then loaded them on here later that night.

Since the divorce, I have sold the house and spent 10 months on the road with my High School Sweetheart. She is a truck driver. We had lots of fun on the road. I am planning on going back to truck driving school and will start driving soon. I used to drive for the Army. Can you imagine a Transvestite Truck driver.

Halloween 1998

My horroscope for Halloween said that time would get away from me and that I should stay home and daydream. Well time did get away from me, but I am glad that I didn't stay home and daydream my day away.

I had planned to dress as a witch that night, but I had chores to do around the house and a cake to cook before time for the trick or treaters would show up. But I did feel like being fem all day, so I dressed in a short black skirt, black shirt and some tight lycra pants that ended with lace around the ankles. After cleaning the house up most of the way a GG friend of mine called and invited me to go eat with her and her sister and their kids at homesteadonalds. I told her how I was dressed and that was fine with her. She had found out the week before about me as Millissa. So I got my make-up done and went over. There was another girl there using the phone and this girl saw my car drive up and when I came in she thought I had brought over someone and after a bit asked me where I was and then she realized who I was. She practically squealed into the phone and then she told the guy she was talking to that she had a woman over there for him to meet.

My GG friend didn't like my lipstick and had me change that before she took my picture. Can't wait to get them developed and scanned.

I was so surprised at how relaxed I was dressed up and out at crowded place in this prudish town.

Normally I am not a messy eater, but for some reason while dressed I found it so hard to keep from getting something on my chest. An my GG friend kept giggling everytime that I got mustard on my face.

After we ate, we let their boys play in the play area. While we watched we noticed a lady staring at me, so I made eye contact and smiled real big. She blushed.

As we were leaving we noticed some young girls (possably teens) staring at me. I smiled at them as we went out. My GG friend noticed the girls also and went back in and told them I was a real woman. The girls were a little surprised at what she said so she repeated it. Then the girls started chatting with their friends about them and pointing at me. I waved, then got in the car and we left.

We then got the kids dressed and took them trick or treating. Very few people that saw me, questioned what sex I was. It was great. After we finished and put the kids to bed, my friends sister went to a party and for about 4 hours my GG friend and I talked and talked and talked. That 4 hours went by fast. Got home after 1 am and still didn't have that cake cooked and I still was not dressed in my witch costume.

It is now 2000. I discovered this year that I have High Blood Pressure. I'm now on meds to keep it under control. I've been checked for problems that tend to go along with High Blood Pressure and they checked out normal. So the Doc told me that if I lose about 40 or more lbs, then that may get my Blood Pressure under control and I won't need the pills any more. Wish me luck on losing the weight. It sure would help me look good when I dress up.

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