Please note that Roy Accles died about 1am on Sunday, November 19th, 2006. This website is being maintained as a tribute to his on-line presense and the love that he had for the Transgendered Community. There will likely be no more updates.

Transgender Pages

This part of my page will have reference to a very special group of my friends...TRANSGENDERED if you are under legal age in your community or find that subject offensive, this is your opportunity to hard

As I mentioned the transgendered (primarily MTF) are the people that I find myself feeling closer to than anybody else. At one time I was friends with a lot of the drag community but since getting involved with various transgendered chats and going to Southern Comfort, and perhaps to a certain extent the fact that my roommate has pretty much retired from doing shows, I find that drag queens are a very small part of my community of friends. Here, you have a chance to enter my world, so to speak and meet some of these wonderful ladies (and they ARE ladies) that I have had opportunity to get to know. The first link is comprised of girls I have met on the internet, the second is girls I met the Southern Belles, a social group where I hold the designation "distinqushed SO". The third is a link to my favorite chat room, and so forth. (grin) Enjoy!!


Friends from the Web-This section of the site is constantly up to 12 regular pages and an international of January 26, 2002..(approximately 200 pics) ..some of these people have homepages, while others dont..but all of them have in common that they can be chatted with me at open chat (run by Sarah West)..a wonderful place...(smile) Link above.

Tribute to the SBS-This is a new feature and is meant to showcase one of the best TG internet and real time clubs I know of....The Southern Belle's. Come meet some of them and you will want to meet more. (smile)

Open Chat-(formerly Tggallery)-A Chat where I talk to some of the most beautiful and friendly Ts on the net.

Vickie's Vixens-A sorority of beautiful and gracious T ladies put together by my roommate...Miss Vickie Collins.
Vickie's Homepage-The personal homepage of the webmistress of the vixen website above.

--Southern Belle Society--A group I have worked with for a long time. Vickie is Matron for Nashville and I am the one of course that she designates as the photographer. Some nights, she keeps me quite busy...but I LOVE IT. (smile) Now, I am even on the SO a "DISTINQUISHED" SO!!

Well, my roommate, Vickie Collins has another website up....this one is her reviewing movies and telling folks answers to questions. (grin)

**************A special gift to me from Steffie and Vickie******************

05-03-01:***new search engine from Atomz..enjoy**

Galleries of pictures of me or my roommate out and about have been moved under The photography section of my website..available thru the entry page.

SCC 2003--What a fun time
SCC 2006--the 8th year

I'm a Southern Comfort Conference Alumni!

Here is the third try at having a guestbook, maybe 3rd time is a charm as they say. Please sign it, I love when you do

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