HobbiesJuly 6, 1997


We had a 22 foot sloop, and sailed on the San Francisco Bay & nearby mountain lakes. I enjoyed sailing, but the biggest problem with a sailboat is; there must be a skipper (that's me) and a crew (that's my wife). It ended with a mutiny after two years.



So we sold the boat and bought an airplane. I enjoy flying; there's a pilot (that's me) and a passenger (that's my wife). And now, no mutiny after twenty years. See the bio for CD aspect.

Skin Diving

We have dived at the coast in Monterey, in the open ocean off the Channel Islands, and from the beaches in Maui & Kauai. See the bio for CD aspect.


My parents bought me a 3" Newtonian telescope when I was in junior high school. I enjoyed viewing the moon and planets. I now own an 8" Celestron Cassegrain telescope, but the NASA spacecraft close-up photos so dwarf my telescope eyepiece view, I hardly use it anymore





Everybody takes pictures, I do to. I put in a darkroom and did a lot of black and white at one time. Now I'm getting spoiled with the Sony Hi8 camcorder coupled with the AIGotcha video image capture on my computer. The ability to shoot, edit, enhance, color match, and even color print from the comfort of my computer; is obsoleting my dark room.

Computers & Net Surfing

Barbie's ComputerI've owned 9 computers over the last 17 years. They just keep getting more powerful, faster and more feature packed. Or another way to look at them, is that the old ones keeping getting slower and more useless. The discouraging thing is; that I spent as much or more for each one as my latest. And my latest is already showing its age.You see my smile practice mirror?

Barbie Sitting on her Desk


Net Surfing, that's how I found out about having this home page. I just love that silkscreen on the wall. That's why its the Background for my pages. The ship's bell is from my sailboat. I must go shopping for a matching red purse for those heels.





Dancing to Oldies but Goodies

After surfing the net for the evening, I'll tune the Digital Satellite System to Golden Oldies (516) then dance and pantomime as Barbie, in front of the sliding mirrored closet doors in the bedroom. I enjoy the Beatles & Beach Boys.








Classic Music & Opera

I also love Bach & Beethoven, share a birthday with Ludwig, and have a bust of him in the living room . My parents never knew where I got my taste, for the classics, they liked country & western. When I listen to Ludwig's music, I think he must have been a very sexy and sensual man. The ending (Allegro Presto) to Symphony No. 5 in C Minor; just thrusts and throbs its way to climax. Beethoven brings you just to the edge, backs down for a breather then bangs back to the edge over and over again; until the orgasmic climax. A series of midi files are available, for those who haven't heard the entire 5th at Odyssey. On the other hand, his Moonlight Sonata makes me think of lying in bed with someone gently teasing my body with just the edge of a fine piece of silk fabric. If your midi player is running, that's the Moonlight Sonata playing in the background now.

Bach was born 85 years before Beethoven and wrote incredible music including Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, one of my favorites. It also runs about 8-10 minutes; and was one of the pieces in Walt Disney's Fantasia. And we all know of Wendy Carlos's version of the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major from her album Switched on Bach. Bach's music is also in midi format at Odyssey.

I never cared too much about opera, they sing in a foreign language, you don't know what its about, and get goes on forever. But after I bought a laser disk player, and could see the production and read the subtitles; my objections ended. I love Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelugen. It's a gigantic opera lasting over four nights and 14 hours when fully presented. The sections are Das Rheingold, Die Walkure, Siegfried, and Gotterdammerung. Each section is a stand alone opera in its own right. Probably the most famous part is the Ride of the Valkyries. That was the music played in the chopper attack scene in Apocalypse Now. I've taken what I consider the best 2 hours of the 14 and edited them onto video tape.

I have never attended an opera, but think I probably have more fun sitting in my soft, black leather, recliner; watching and listening to operas on my home theater, while dressed as Barbie.




Radio & Politics

I listen to the radio while at work. Generally talk shows: Rush Limbaugh on politics, Dr. Dean Odell on health, Bob Brinker on investing, and at night, occasionally Art Bell, on everything weird. I enjoy listening to Rush, but my with Libertarian political viewpoint I probably only agree with him 25% of the time. A pox on both the Democrats & Republicans. The Repubocrats want to over tax and take away freedom. Please don't get me started about politics. I'll just say:

Libertarians believe in complete freedom, but with complete freedom comes complete responsibility. Read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.


I started collecting firearms while in the Navy. By now, I have seven handguns, six rifles, and two shotguns. One of our lost freedoms taken away by the Repubocrats, was that back then, I could actually buy a weapon mail order. I think crime was less then to. Maybe there's a connection. When I had more time than money, I would reload ammunition. Now I have more money than time, so I buy factory loaded ammo. With the government the way it is, I've become worried they may take away the right to buy ammo next. So, I have stockpiled all I think I'll use for the rest of my life.


I own two Shopsmiths, most all the accessories, and have done a number of projects, including a china hutch, and all the kitchen and bath cabinets in our mountain cabin.


After watching too many episodes of This Old House. I decided to remodel our mountain cabin; from the design, plumbing, electrical, plaster, flooring, roofing, vinyl siding, and ceramic tile; my wife and I did it all. I think we finally got remodeling out of our systems and have no desire to do it again. I still like watching This Old House though.

CookingBarbie Cooking

I cook most meals for the two of us, and with careful selection and rejection of certain foods we both have lost weight. My wife about 35 and me about 77 pounds. She's now at a beautiful 110, I hope to lose another 66. My silicon D breasts seemed small on me 77 pounds ago, but now they are seeming bigger. I wonder how huge they'll feel, when I'm 66 pounds less.





Morning Walks & Noon Jogs

We both get up early and go for a mile walk, nearly every morning. I just pull my pants on over my nightie or whatever, remove the silicon breasts, pull a bulky sweater over to hide the bra, wash the makeup off, slip on some sneakers, and go. We bring our dog along, who pants like a little steam engine and watches out for cats. When we get back, I eagerly pull the sweater and pants off, slip a wig, breasts, and heels on; and lay on the bed to read the morning paper with our coffee and English muffin.

I go for a 3/4 mile jog at noon time at work, but only have my panties on underneath. We have both run the 7 1/2 mile San Francisco Bay to Breakers twice, and have placed in the top third of all the runners both times. That means we were about 33,332 and 33,333 out of 100,000. If an over weight, middle aged, guy can come in the top third, those other two thirds must really be bad. The first time, I wore pantyhose under my pants. The next year I just wore running shorts with a tank top. Some runners wore only shoes.

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