Waiting comment from YOU!

shawn - 08/11/98 23:41:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/transdrag/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
City: wayne
Country: usa
Male/Female: male
Gay/TV/Both: bi

i think you look great in you r pics love shawn

- 08/10/98 16:38:18


'Joni' - 07/29/98 06:46:20
My URL:http://metrocities.net/~popfulmail
My Email:[email protected]
City: Canton
Country: United States
Male/Female: unfortunatly male

You are so beautiful! I'm just an ugly 16 year old boy... I think you have a great website. Your photographs have inspire me. Thank you.

Miranda - 07/28/98 15:33:06
City: Hong Kong
Country: China

Very Very Good. Encourage others in China to stand up like you.

claudio - 07/27/98 22:13:05
My Email:[email protected]
City: buenos aires
Country: argentina

Thank you for your homepage,i like you in the pictures with short hair ,really you are beautiful.

Fiona - 07/27/98 18:54:55
My Email:[email protected]
City: Guangzhou
Country: China
Gay/TV/Both: Crossdresser

Hi, Stellia, It is a very nice home page. I like all the photos. You are a very attractive girl. I am also living in the same area. My first time to dress up was about 10 when a girl from neighbour asked me to put on her dress and shoses. It was exiting m . Hope to meet you and share our experience someday. Besides, where did you get your heels from ? We are same size.

jer - 07/26/98 19:45:41
My Email:[email protected]
City: Jacksonville
Country: USA
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: Bi

You are very beautiful. Great pics. Now I know why for sure my reasons for infatuation with TVs. Now especially Chinese. Take care

������ - 07/26/98 18:39:57
My Email:[email protected]
City: �麣
Country: China
Male/Female: M2F

��ã��ܸ�������ʶ�㡣�����ҵ�һ��ǩ���˵����Բ��� ���и����������һ�¡����ڹ��ڵ�ʱ������������ geocities �ġ�isp ���й����š���֪���������ĸ� isp ���ϵ��أ� �֣���Ҳ��������ҵ������һֱ���鲻��ʱ��ѧ htlm. ��ʲô�ٳɵ�����Խ���һ�£�

Jonathan - 07/26/98 02:52:31
My Email:[email protected]
City: Friendwood
Country: U.S.A.
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: CD,TV

I love your chinese dresses. I wish I had those dresses and your shoes. Love your site, nice work

lynne - 07/20/98 09:28:23
My Email:[email protected]
City: LN
Country: PR China
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: TV

I am a male thinking of the other side. I'd like to exchange experiences with all friends, especially those who living in China PR. Someday, I expect we can meet together. As you all who visit this website could see, this phenomena is commonly exited among those who live around us.

Claudia - 07/19/98 02:15:00
My Email:[email protected]
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: Crossing Dress

����ÿ�����������ҳ��������û�и��£�ϣ��������ҳԽ��Խ�ã���Ϊ��½�����ǵĽ����ĵط����� ���������Ϻ���һ��20���ѧ����ϲ������Ů�����ر�ϲ������Ů�������£��ر�ϣ�����ڹ�����ͬ���õĽ�������ϵ�ͽ�����

Ron Pacey - 07/18/98 10:48:55
My Email:[email protected]
City: Leicester
Country: England
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: TV

Very good site, thankyou

Liliany - 07/17/98 02:58:03
My Email:[email protected]
City: Beijing
Country: P.R.China
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: Crossing Dress

��ϲ���а�Ůװ, ���Ҵ��ϸ߸�Ь,����ȹ,���ϼٷ�, ���Լ�����Ů����ʱ,���÷dz��̼�. ϣ���͹��ڵĽ����ǽ�����.

Claudia - 07/15/98 14:12:18
My Email:[email protected]
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Male/Female: male
Gay/TV/Both: cross-dressing

hi,Stella. i admire your courage and your goodliness. i wish i can meer you someday and exchange our experience. best wishes.

Li Li - 07/14/98 15:35:47
City: Shanghai
Country: China
Male/Female: pre-op M2F

Nice pictures. I like those with your own short hair best. I'm 25. I started my crossdress when I was 5. I later found that I am really a transsexual. I started my HRT about a year ago. It works very well on my body. I want SRS, but don't know where to get it in China. Do you have HRT? Do you want to be a true woman? Hope can meet you in person someday. Best wishes.

Li Li, would you like to tell me how to contact you? Maybe we can help each other. Stellia

chris - 07/11/98 12:46:29
City: london
Country: england
Gay/TV/Both: bi

you are very lovely indeed

Prem - 07/09/98 05:21:15
My Email:[email protected]
City: KL

I will like to get to know you better ! You look absolutely smashing !!!!!!

Prem - 07/09/98 05:18:51
My Email:[email protected]
City: KL
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: Both

I will like to get to know you better !

Chris DiEdoardo - 07/08/98 07:03:14
My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/8970
My Email:[email protected]
Country: USA
Male/Female: Male

Nihau Stellia! You have a very beautiful page--as befits both a gorgeous woman and a famous city. Stay well, and don't break too many hearts in South China :)

Andres - 07/07/98 07:22:45
My Email:[email protected]
City: Los Angeles
Country: USA
Male/Female: Male

Very Beautiful!

Sarah - 07/06/98 09:44:40
City: Hong Kong
Country: China
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: Male Lesbian

God! So beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I envy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will put up a site and link to yours some day.

Zhou - 07/06/98 02:03:25
My Email:[email protected]
City: Sydney
Country: Australia
Male/Female: Male/cd

Hi, I came from Fujian, China. I am interested in cross dressing. However, I have wife and children and I haven't opportunities to try. Stellia, where are you in? very nice homepage. Regards, Zhou

August Linda - 07/05/98 09:20:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~August_linda/august.htm
My Email:[email protected]
City: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Male/Female: CD

You're absolutely beautiful and attractive, especially the studio photo shoots. I hope that I can some day have a photo shoot too. If you are free, please visit my page and give me some advice. Thankyou.

Sasa - 07/05/98 08:29:52
City: Fuzhou
Country: China

good site. You should be proud of your brave.

Eddie Cheung - 06/29/98 23:24:14
My Email:[email protected]
City: New York
Country: USA
Male/Female: MALE
Gay/TV/Both: TV

You're very beautiful and I love your wedding gown pictures. I am Chinese from Hong Kong but have been living in NY for 12 years. I also enjoy dressing up and love anything feminine. I love you and keep up the good work.

- 06/29/98 19:06:20


Ang Pin Yang - 06/29/98 09:23:26
My URL:/CapitolHill/Senate/3729
My Email:[email protected]
City: Kuala Lumpur/Belfast
Country: Malaysia/UK
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: none of it .

Do you know how could I know this site? please go to my homepage and see my guestbook :-). I would like to know you more because I always curious about TV.

Paul Dittmar - 06/26/98 08:34:06
My Email:[email protected]
City: Dana Point,Calif.
Country: U.S.A.
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: CD,TV

Hi! I enjoyed your pictures and Life story. One request, do you have pictures of you wearing Chinese dress? I enjoy wearing such a dress and also Kimono like Geisha. Sincerely: Paul (Poriko) Dittmar

Harv - 06/25/98 00:25:49
City: Vernon BC
Country: Canada
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: Straight

You are incredibly beautiful. Be proud of yourself and what you are doing. Your site is great - the only way you could improve it is to add more photos.

Harv - 06/25/98 00:22:48


Niu - 06/21/98 14:35:46
My Email:[email protected]
City: Kuala Lumpur
Country: Malaysia
Gay/TV/Both: TV


Leslie - 06/20/98 00:24:14
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/4024/
My Email:[email protected]
City: Ft. Walton Beach, Florida
Country: USA
Male/Female: Duh
Gay/TV/Both: Duh

Very beautiful photos. Nice legs!

Sandy - 06/19/98 21:02:32
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/8006/

Nice job and wonderful pictures! Be proud of the first girl from mainland China. All the best.

Amanda - 06/16/98 19:10:18
My URL:http://amanda-lam.home.ml.org/
My Email:[email protected]
City: Hong Kong
Country: China
Gay/TV/Both: TV/TG

Well done! Especially the photos taken in Studios... they're great! I wonder want to know which and where the studio is... keep it up!

christa - 06/15/98 18:12:38
Country: usa
Male/Female: female soon
Gay/TV/Both: TV

you look very very sexy.

Dawn Slater - 06/15/98 17:54:49
My URL:/westhollywood/village/6803/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
City: Brentwood, NY
Country: USA
Male/Female: both
Gay/TV/Both: TV

You are so beautiful! And I LOVE the wedding dress! I am also new to the Geocities community, but I am having trouble putting my pictures on my page. I will learn soon. Keep up the good work! Hugs, Dawn

Joyce - 06/13/98 18:30:37
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/2884/
My Email:[email protected]
City: Hong Kong
Country: China
Gay/TV/Both: TS Woman

Hi Stellia, your home page is very nice, keep up! Wish you all the best!

Jeri - 06/11/98 14:11:04
Country: usa
Male/Female: male
Gay/TV/Both: tv

wow! you look great. i love to dress also and go shopping can't stay out of women's cloth's wish you were close. we could dress each other up

joe - 06/11/98 08:58:55
My Email:la45cal
City: los angeles
Country: usa

You are very beautiful...

David - 06/09/98 11:03:17
My URL:/westhollywood/village/3399/
My Email:[email protected]
Country: Australia
Male/Female: Male
Gay/TV/Both: Huh?

Dear Stellia, its really exciting to see yet another beautiful chinese girl on the 'net! I am very much looking forward to seeing your page develop further, and for your story to appear. Love & best wishes, David

- 06/09/98 03:56:08


Lee - 06/08/98 17:22:06

Very Lovely.

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