A glimpse of Priscilla's story

Here is some information about me. I've been fascinated by women's clothes and female role-playing since I was young (my first memories of trying on my mother's skirts, shoes, silk camisoles and make-up go back to when I was about 6 years old). Later on, this was associated with my first ejaculations, when I was around 11.

As a teenager, I was "normally" attracted to girls. But I must admit that, deep inside, their skirts and blouses gave me as much of a thrill as their hair, lips and bodies! Alone in my room, I would often stand in front of my mirror, dressed up in a handmade skirt (a bath towel I had stitched together) and blouse (one of my boy's shirts, buttoned backward) and imagine myself as one of these girls while playing with my erection. I felt a little ashamed of this strange behaviour, but not too much. I was quite sure that it was just a temporary perversion, related to the fact that I was too young to have any real experience with women, and had to compensate with this auto-erotic sexuality. It would surely disappear as soon as I fell in love.

When I had my first lovers, it did not stop me being attracted by nylons, panties and other women's garments. I bought a few items of lingerie when I was around nineteen. So for many years, this remained a part of my inner sexual persona, but a pretty well contained one. I managed to have a normal married life, although one which was not very satisfying on the sexual level. My wife resisted any form of sexual exploration beyond the "normal way", and she lacked the confidence in herself to talk openly about our sexual difficulties. For myself, I did not dare expose my "perversion" to her. So there remained a wide field of untold secrets between us. This is not very helpful when there are difficulties between a couple. But we stayed together for 15 years (mostly happy, I must say). We had two children who are now (by the end of 1997) 22 and 19.

During those years, I read lots of magazines about cross-dressing, from the old Transvestia, produced by Virginia Prince in the early 70's, to Tapestry, published by the Boston Institute for Gender Expression (IFGE). These magazines helped me to accept my inner need as such, and not as a disease. By my mid 30's, I was dressing on a regular basis when home alone. In fact, this (still closeted) activity was less and less sexual, and more and more "casual". I would just dress up, and sit in my armchair reading and listening to my favorite music for a few hours, than turn back into my male self. I think I was trying to "normalize" my femme self.

After my divorce, Priscilla had a few mouths of (limited) freedom. I had a beard, at that time, so I did not go out as a woman. But I began using make-up on a day-to-day basis (eye-liner, mascara, light powder... very subtle, but still there!) and I bought a complete collection of women's panties, nylons and camisoles that I would wear under my male clothes. When working at home (I was a freelance writer) I would dress as Priscilla and wear high-heeled shoes often enough to get used to it. But I soon embarked on a new long-term relationship with the woman who is still my loved one. She discovered my cross-dressing almost from the start. Even if she is not very comfortable with it and not at all attracted by Priscilla, she accepts my need to dress, and even offered me to come and see Priscilla from time to time if I feel the need of it. I use the expression "come and see" because, in fact, we do not share the same apartment, but live on two floors of the same Triplex. This arrangement allows us to eat together, sleep together, spend most of our time together, but keep our own quarters when needed. It allows me to dress fully en femme a few times a month, walk in high-heeled shoes often enough not to lose the knack, apply full make-up, earrings and jewellery when I'm alone (when the children are not home) and wear feminine underwear most of the time.

If Priscilla is still marginal to my life (my sexual life as a man is very satisfying, by now... and my professional life too), I like to let her go out from time to time. It's mostly for short walks in the streets, at night, like going to the mail box or to the automatic bank teller, a few blocks from my place, or just going to my car and driving across town. I have also made a few excusions to TV bars, twice for Halloween, and a couple of other times with some TV friends. But I would like to give her a little bit more space in the future. Let her have her own friends. Let her go shopping, have a drink on a terrasse, go to restaurants, and dance... and flirt with men, why not? Because I have to admit that, even if when dressed as a man I have never been attracted by another male, it becomes more blurred when I'm in my female mode. On a few occasions, I have felt a very strong sexual drive toward male stallions I've seen in a bar or on the street... noting with regret that I did not pass well enough to be able to seduce them. Sigh !

I apologize for my poor english writing. Those who read French will appreciate the equivalent story, in French

or a more detailed reflexion about my cross-dressing, its cause, its significance, and it's effect on my personality. And many thanks for my distant friend Jean who did the translation for me.

� 1997 [email protected]

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