Learning to walk...

After 27 years off dressing and never going out anywhere. I realized how important it was for me to actually step out as the woman that I would of liked to have been. So I decided to learn how to walk/ talk and be female...
Well the time had come to let this girl get out into the open and show the rest of the world Pipper. I had planned a trip to the UK to do some work related things and decided that if the opportunity arose then i would dress to impress and step out into the world. After arriving at heathrow airport on friday morning. So I booked into the Philbeach hotel in Earls court ( a definite recommendation if you are ever there). The rest of the day was spent shopping and getting the necessary items that i would need; London is a great place to shop as there is so many different places to go. So as you can imagine i went all over and went wild on the credit cards, what the hell i though i am kind of on holiday and i really wanted to break into the world with style.
 It was fab having a really good therapy shop. After getting back to the hotel that evening I was feeling great but the fact of the matter was, that this would be my first trip out into the open, and I was still very nervous about going out dressed in my frills. So nerves and jet lag, took me the first night.

Saturday came and all day I was out again getting more bits and pieces, when I decided to pluck up the courage and telephone a girl in London who I had talked to over the net a few times. The theory was that if I called her then I couldn't back out of going out and i would have to follow through. It was set we would meet up that evening and go out to a party,
"Ron Storms" a famous place for girls in London to go and have a good time. I was nervous yet glad that i had taken the first step in letting myself out.

After returning to the hotel at about 16.30 it was time transform my male side into Pipper. Gosh it felt so good to shower and shave my entire body, making me feel all smooth and sexy.
Even if i say so my self i do have good legs and even more so when i'm wearing heels. Next was to lay out my clothes and lingerie; I had decided to wear an orange wool mini skirt, a cropped black top, black sheer tights and 5" stiletto sandals mmm they felt lovely. As for my hair, i had bought a long, straight, ash blonde wig, made from human hair the day before. After it had been washed it felt so wonderful cascading about my neck and face. Make up was next and as I'm not the best at this i was thinking about getting a makeover done, by Ann's dressing service which luckily for me was in the room next to mine at the hotel. So in i went to see Ann.
Ann was really nice, but unfortunately was busy at the time making over another girl. So i decided to go for it myself, making me feel even more pride in my transformation.

First step was applying my foundation to create a wonderfully smooth complexion. I try to keep my eyebrows shaped to excentuate my eyes more. So for my eyes i chose to go for an orange/emerald effect with my naturally long lashes shaped with a dark brown mascara; A touch of blush and a lovely shade of orange lip gloss.  I would say that I am definitely not the best make-up artist in the world but this time was probably one of the best and I really did think that staring back at me from the mirror was an attractive woman waiting to be let into the world. I know that i must be biased was going through my mind, but I felt very alive at that moment and remember my heart pounding through my mind telling me that this girl is really you.
 Wow! I felt like a million dollars, and if I wanted a man then they would have to watch out. As this girl was being let out and what trouble could a bit of feminine charm do anyway.
It was time to call Nathalie again and decide on were we would meet up. Luckily she had said that she lived just around the corner from the hotel and I was welcome to come around while she got dressed and wait for her friends to turn up, another girl and a guy that was going to be our knight in shining armor for the night.
"Ok I said I would meet you at your place in 30 min."

Paranoia attack...
What have I just said, my thoughts were racing, that would mean walking through the streets by my self. All sorts of things flew into my mind and I started to think about how to get out of this mess that i had just put myself into.
"Knock Knock". A sudden turn of reality pulled me back to composure and answer the door not realizing how i was dressed.
It was Ann from next door, she said that she had come to see if i was all right, make-up wise. " You look great. You didn't need me after all".
"Thanks" I said, suddenly realizing that she was talking about my overall feminine appearance. That was the clincher and i new that i was sold for a night out. On went the coat, grabbing the bag I headed out of the room, up the stairs and out onto the street. Wow, I have made it, I thought. Walking down the street was so exciting and such an exhilarating experience; No body questioned or stared at me which put me straight at ease and was able to make my feminine illusion cast its spell around me even more.
Finally I arrived at Nathalie's and we talked and talked about all sorts of stuff. Her friend arrived about 30 min later to change and about another 30 min after that, John  (our knight) arrived, I didn't realize that he was going to be quite dashing and handsome. I thought privately that if he made any advancements towards me then it would be difficult for this girl to stop her-self.
We finally headed out to Ron Storms at about 10:30. The journey it self was a real experience as John drove a Jaguar sports car (which was pretty tricky to get into with a short dress, of course one has to manage). Sitting in the front I couldn't help feeling like a princess being whisked away to a ball, it felt wonderful.
 Ron storms was great fun, right after we got there, Ron got on the microphone and introduced the nights entertainment, a stripper. He was a really sexy, young guy with a great body and WOW, what can i say! but girls let me tell you he must have to get a license for what he was carrying in his tight little shorts, or should i say poking out of the top. He managed to get one girl up and fondle with his bits and then another to kiss yogurt off his maleness. It was realy quite exciting watching.
After the show, the night was spent frolicking and dancing to our hearts content. The night was turning into a most memorable experience with many guys giving there time in noticing my credentials: 34" hips -26" waist -38C chest. Needless to say that John was one of those admiring and of course this girl wanted to thank him for his generosity in bringing us here.
So John got all my flirting and attention. What a great night out it was to be a woman and experience the other side. Being noticed by guys and getting lots of attention was fabulous as well. It really was wonderful. Alas the party hour was reaching it's closure and this girl was almost partied out, when our knight in shining armor turns up with the keys to his chariot and suggests that we head home...
So with our best wiggles we three girls left with our one knight and drove off back through London, towards Nats house. It was three am and i really didn't want the night to end.
but end it must.

see some of my pics