Spanish English
Comence a vesitrme desde los 12 a�os, desgraciadamente casi nunca me encontraba sola en casa, por eso no lo hacia frecuentemente, despues creci y mi trabajo exigia que viajara al menos 2 veces al mes. Ahi comence a tener mas libertad y podia ser Nina en la habitacion de mi hotel, pero aun no me animaba a salir.

Total que una de esas contacte a una chica TV y ella me vistio y maquillo y salimos a dar una vuelta, fue mi primera vez y vaya que estaba nerviosa, pero bueno despues de ahi no sali nunca mas.

Pasaron los a�os y los remordimientos me atormentaban, total que a la edad de 28 decidi "retirarme" y me case con una bella mujer, pensaba que Nina habia desaparecido para siempre, pero como ven no fue asi, por internet conoci a Tori una TV estilista profesional y ella me ayudo con mi primera sesion de fotos, aun asi no salimos, solo se hizo la sesion de fotos en su apartamento, y dejenme decirles que fue algo super. Me entere hace poco que Tori fallecio� una verdadera lastima� era una buena amiga.

No hace mucho mi esposa descubrio mi aficion por la ropa femenina, y fue un choque ,muy grande para ella, me mando al psicologo y hasta hablamos de divorcio, ala fecha no me apoya, por eso tengo que ser nina a escondidas.

En fin en este a�o disfrute de una session de maquillaje con Jamie Austins y como uds pueden ver en las fotos valio la pena� Gracias Jamie, eres la mejor.

I started wearing women's clothes when I was 12. The problem was that I had very few chances to be home alone, so I didn't do it all that much. Them, when I started working, my job required me to travel at least twice a month. So, I started having more freedom, and I had chances to be Nina in the privacy of my hotel room. But I never dared to go out, yet.

Well, one of those times I contacted another tv-girl and she helped me dressing up and doing my make up and we went out. It was my first time ever going out, and I was really nervous, and after that, I never dared to go out again.

The years went by, and I was feeling really bad about my dressing. I was being haunted by guilt. So, at age 28, I decided to 'stop'. And then I got married with a beautiful woman. I thought that Nina was gone forever, but you can see that it didn't happen that way. Over the Internet I met Tori. A pro-hairdresser, and she helped me with my first photo session. We didn't go out. The photo session was in her apartment, and it was something really great. (Some short time ago I found out that Tori died� what a shame. She was a good friend).

Not long ago, my wife found out my attraction for women's clothes, and it was a big shock for her. She asked me to see a psychologist and we even discussed divorce. She is not supportive of my dressing, so I have to hide Nina from her.

Well, I just had a makeover with Jamie Austin, and as you can see by the photographs, it was well worth it. Thank you Jamie! You are the be



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