Welcome to my Guestbook!

Adan - 09/01/00 02:28:50
My Email:[email protected]
Your Comments: Hermosas
De verdad bellas y sensuales fotos

Gloria - 08/01/00 02:47:24
My Email:[email protected]
Your Comments: Eres preciosa
Hola linda, soy TV de closet y cuando v� tus fotos no resist� la tentaci�n de escribirte para decirte que eres hermosa, megustas mucho, tienes un cuerpo precioso, recibe besos de mi parte

Mauro Acosta - 07/22/00 20:39:46
My Email:[email protected]
Me parece buena la introducci�n a tu p�gina y creo que tal vez pueda ayudarte a terminar de construirla, vivo en el D.F.

leticia - 04/01/00 17:41:36
My Email:[email protected]
Your Comments: hola linda
hola amiga yo tambien soy tv de closet pero comotu disfruto los momentos en que dejo salir mi femenidad. chaooo linda y continua con tu pagina me gustaria que me escribas podriamos ser buenas amigas

Paul G Jutras - 11/17/99 14:38:22
My Email:[email protected]
Your Comments: Good luck with the site
Hope you enjoy geocities. Any particular piece of clothing you like. Nylons always my favorite either on my legs or womens.

RAHIM RAJA - 03/26/99 01:48:03
My Email:[email protected]
Your Comments: Compliments to the creator
My compliments to the creator,for creating beautifull people like you. I am an admirer and lover of TG's,TV's and shemales. I'd love to get inbetween their sheets with them(rather between their legs) But anyway wish youy all the best and have loads of fun in your new homepage.and a happy housewarming. love papito69

Casey - 03/09/99 06:03:02
My URL:/westhollywood/village/2023
My Email:[email protected]
Your Comments: Nice Start
Please e-mail me as more of your site develops. Please do stop and visit with me at my website. Love, Casey

Hommer - 02/25/99 12:00:00
Your Comments: Good
Hello Shikiang! I Like your idea of a site, I hope you complete it soon and i�ll visit you for new information. Regards.

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