Welcome to my Guestbook!

Carol A. More - 10/13/00 01:51:58
My URL:http://members.aol.com/carolcder
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: increasing awareness about tgs and having fun

Anne, Very nice pages and photos. I didn't know there was a tg community in wash I had heard about one in the west somewhere. Feel free to write me if you like. I am in Ohio also. Carol

mary boll - 04/01/00 19:43:24
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: panty girdls and corsets

i would like some one to help me be come a reel whmon email me back at [email protected] live in mich by annarber

mike - 11/09/99 04:53:21
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: you

You are a lovely lady Anne but you seem a little sad or nervous in your pics. If you need a shoulder to lean on or to talk to please let me know. I wish i were closer to you (in near Columbus) I would love to take you out. :-) your admirer mike

Paul G JUTRAS - 11/08/99 23:50:01
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: Pets, photos, Japanese anime

Always glad to talk to someone new. Even someone I've talk to before for that matter.

sammy - 11/03/99 00:22:47
My Email:[email protected]

I live in the cleveland area would you be available for escort service?

BillyJoe - 05/26/99 17:59:35
My Email:[email protected]

You are a pretty lady but would be very pretty if you smiled. Then you would be someone any man would be proud to have on his arm.

Gloria marie hill - 03/21/99 03:41:25
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: music. the bands of the 20's, 30's & 40's.

Just wanted to Hi.

Cindy S. - 03/08/99 02:43:53
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: Music,dancing,good friends

Anne, Very nice start,you sound like a wonderful girl,just wish you looked alittle happier. Would also love to read your bio. I'm a 39ish TG from Buffalo,NY. who,s allways looking for new friends of all kind. Big Hugs Cindy

Jimi - 02/19/99 07:01:39
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: Musician,solitude,dreamer

I recognize an honest face when I see one. Of hundreds of web-sites, I find that yours is sincere. I wish you contentment in all that you venture for.

Karen Louise - 02/12/99 16:23:59
My Email:[email protected]

Just stopped in to look

Danielle - 02/11/99 01:55:20
My URL:/westhollywood/9776
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: sports, social gatherings

Very nice HP, really love the lay-out... Keep up the good work Hon! Love Danielle

Bing - 02/08/99 04:10:03
My Email:Debies Den
Interests: Chat

Honey so pretty honest Cept a smile we was missing a smiling pic hugs You can smile and honey it surly would brighten others days nights So mabe next time say cheeze and mabe just a little leg wink Your a fine looker hugs Some flowers too wink

Deidre Phillips - 02/07/99 06:01:45
My Email:[email protected]

Lovely web site! Best wishes for your success, and good luck on your move.

john - 02/01/99 11:29:50
My Email:[email protected]

Nice site and a very pretty woman.Best wishes.

Christina Savoy - 01/31/99 19:41:59
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: Friendships


Jonnie - 01/31/99 01:06:13
My Email:skygirl76
Interests: Travel, flying, shopping, bein a girl! :)

I like the lay out of your site, its very easy to navigate through, you make a great girl! Thanks for telling me about your site, I'll talk to you later :) XXOO Jonnie Bellevue, Washington

Judy C. - 01/28/99 17:47:53
My Email:[email protected]
Interests: gardening, meeting new friends

Congrats on your new web page!

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