Animal Compassion
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Anne's Moment of   Self Indulgence   (Or proceed to Animal Rights Links)  

I am a member of the human race and we, as a species, are blessed with rational minds.  However, when I see a bird or a canine friend or any animal feed, nurture and defend their young, I fear that they may be the blessed  and we the cursed.   These creatures ask for nothing but survival.   They use only what they need to survive, and nothing more.  They neither kill for fun or sport nor have  they exterminated other species.  We, given stewartship over this globe, do all these things.  Unless we find our compassion for all creatures and begin to respect their aliveness, we may find, as a species,  that we are held accountable for our cruelity.  I feel, though, that there is a movement towards compassion and I do have hope.

PETA's  Web Site  describes my feelings when it shatters this myth:

"God put animals here for us to use; the Bible gives us dominion over animals."

PETA Responds:

Dominion is not the same as tyranny. The Queen of England has dominion over her subjects, but that doesn't mean she can eat them, or wear them, or experiment on them. If we have dominion over animals, surely it is to protect them, not to use them for our own ends. There is nothing in the Bible that would justify our modern-day practices that desecrate the environment, destroy entire species of wildlife, and inflict torment and death on billions of animals every year. The Bible imparts a reverence for life; a loving God could not help but be appalled at the way many animals are treated.

Please browse on the following links even if your a casually interested and I think you will be inspired to join the growing movement of compassion.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals  nubakside.gif (1094 bytes) 

This is the organization that I support.   PETA is a no-nonsense animal rights watchdog that has been successul in preventing cruel animal testing and advances a national movement for compassion for all creatures.

Animal  Compassion Links

An excellent list of  Web Links to Animal Rights sites from around the world.

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