I am Chantal Marie Lamont!

This site belongs to, and is maintained by a transgendered female. It is about transgender and transsexual matters. If this offends you, please find some other site to browse.

Updated December 2, 1999

(you have no idea how much)
I love to get

I also have a

you can either


One of the BEST places to see other girls:

This website is developed by Chantal Lamont and

The #1 FREE Web-support Site for the Transgendered Community!

Until now some visitors have been to Chez Chantal!

Last update on: December 2, 1999

Send your comments to Chantal Lamont
All images are copyright � Chantal Lamont, 1999. All Rights Reserved.
Any unauthorised copying or distribution of images from this site is strictly prohibited.