John -- once a very casual cross dresser...maybe three times in 10 years...for a sexual thrill, with just a few items of girls clothing.

Susan...Was once John's girlfriend... but has now become Sandra's girlfriend!!!

Click on photo for Sandra and Susan -- together in satin

This is sexy and very beautiful blond Susan....who sweetly and smoothly slipped and eased John into becoming very sexy and feminine Sandra...who's poise, mannerisms, thoughts and dressing ...thanks to Susan, John has now been eased into becoming Sandra and is  now very polished and completely feminine.

They are now very close and happy as girlfriends.

Sandra is now extremely feminine in thought, mannerism, and poise. She is very soft and gentle, and needs soft satin lingerie, and sheer silky soft nylons to be next to her silky, smooth now very soft skin. She adores high heel shoes, and pretty soft girl things, beautiful dresses, makeup and glamorous long silky hair and long polished finger nails..with matching polished toenails.

Susan helped, and encouraged John to find Sandra with the help of hypnosis and a powerful feminization potion and a maleness reduction medicine; which broke down any male chemical resistance...male attitudes, and aggressions. This medicine prepared John's body, and preconditioned him in a manner that would accelerate and ease the feminization potion -- giving it greater strength, and a more concentrated effects on John's body and mind, as it transformed him into a very feminine Sandra.

Susan was extremely supportive, understanding, so very gentle and encouraging as she helped John by a hypnosis session connect with his feminine side. With Susan's gentle help he soon found Sandra within his mind. After she was easily found Susan then guided John to form a very positive strong bond with Sandra. Now John soon realized he liked and admired Sandra immensely;  Susan then helped John evaluate Sandra as a very nice and sweet desirable feminine girl.

From Susan's sweet suggestions she then suddenly became a very influential role model for him and a very good feminine foundation for himself -- Susan then gently modified and eased John's desires, thoughts, motivation, values, and ambitions into becoming those of Sandra's.

With regular doses of feminization potion and maleness reduction medicine gently working both the mind and the body-- John's transition into Sandra was now progressing faster than Susan had expected.

Susan was rather surprised and very pleased, how quickly....John capitulated ...and was willingly...without resistance to be gently eased, into becoming Sandra.

Sandra now soon started to develop her own feminine personality, the beginning of girlish values, and a sweet gentle softening of attitude, they were all blending together nicely.

Susan was very satisfied with Sandra's progress into femininity, but she realized that it was now very important for Sandra femininity to improve, she must have the means of perfecting feminine posture, she must very soon, start dressing fully as a girl so that she can demonstrate and practice her developing girlish values and feminine personality. Now was the time for Susan to introduced Sandra to the pleasures and joys of feminine dressing.

Sandra was taught makeup, nail care, hair, and all feminine grooming.....then Susan advanced to the important issues, which would have the most impact on Sandra's future... feminine dressing...lingerie, nylons, shoes, and pretty dresses. Sandra was very keen and motivated she soon had her makeup, nails, and hair, perfected..then eventually the sensation of slipping into sensual silky satin lingerie, silky nylons, high heels, and a sexy pretty dress. Now these new very feminine sensations combined with Sandra's developed mind and body feminization. With Susan's sweet suggestions John became very soft and gentle, extremely womanly in thought.....and from the sensations of slipping into the lingerie, nylons, and high heels..and with Susan's sweet
caresses very sensual in feminine posture, and mannerisms.

As the feminization of Sandra increased....she soon developed a dislike of hair, on her arms, legs and body. Once her body was cleaned of all hair, Sandra now naturally required milky soft silky skin. she would pamper her skin, with oils, and lotions, and take frequent bubble baths. Her skin improved considerable in texture and silkiness...this was pleasing to Sandra; and as the feminization medications .... would now be increasing her skins sensitivity to touch. A factor which, very soon would strongly enhance the sensitivity, and sensuality of femininity, as Sandra experiences the pleasures of soft smooth satins, and silks caressing her skin, and the feel of nylons on her legs. These sensations will greatly enhance and magnify Sandra's addiction to feminine dressing; also it will provide her with a feminine richness, that will give her confidence when dressed.


Susan's concern was not to rush Sandra's transformation had to progress naturally and pace the feminine emotional changes to Sandra. The key issue was Sandra's requirements and inner comfort, and to ensure that she had very positive emotions and sensations, as she developed feminine values, poise, and attitude. The fact that Sandra now needed to have smooth hairless -- lotioned and pampered skin was a very good indication that things were progressing nicely. Susan decided at this point; that there was no need for further hypnosis, and that the feminization potion was now working extremely well with very encouraging and positive results. Sandra's body. legs and arms were remaining smooth and silky, with minimal hair growth. Therefore maleness reduction medicine was reduced to one pill a day.



As a result her daily intake of feminization potion ..Sandra was now very feminine.

Susan was very aware of Sandra increasing feminine needs and desires, and she was emotionally very soothing to Sandra this prevented any mental anguish, and discomfort from the effects of Sandra's increasing doses of feminization potion  Susan now knew when Sandra was stressed and uncomfortable, it was from the urgent need to express her femininity . A bubble bath a makeover and dressing as a beautiful girl, gave Sandra instant relief and soothing comfort!

Over a three-month period; Sandra had dressed completely as a girl many times; but always with Susan encouragement, and gentle urging.

Susan now needed Sandra to have a more focused driven need, to dress as a girl, more frequently, with no inhibitions, or emotional barriers: Perhaps it was shyness that was preventing Sandra from easing into fully committed femininity.

But the potion came to the rescue ---

As Sandra's modified emotional and general femininity became overpowering, and her girlish movements; and posture increase Susan was overjoyed and relieved to see that Sandra suddenly developed a very urgent need to be in girls clothes, far more often, and for increasing prolonged periods.

Sandra was not a curious, cross dressers for sensual, sexual kicks...not now not anymore....everything had changed dramatically....there was nothing casual or unfocused now. Sandra was now becoming very sophisticated and polished when dressed in girl's clothing. She was developing an ever-increasing interest in all things feminine.

Sandra was controlled from a powerful need, from deep within, and her perception of herself and things around her. Sandra was now becoming very confident, and self-assured she now dressed in, her ever-increasing collection of feminine fashions.


Susan was exceedingly proud and enjoyed seeing Sandra develop more into womanhood as the feminization potion worked its chemicals on Sandra. Susan knew that Sandra had smoothly slipped past the emotional danger point in her feminine transformation, but she could tell from seeing how graceful and elegant Sandra had she did her own makeup, hair, then with sensual femininity slipping into her lingerie, nylons, high heels , and pretty dresses Sandra would now only improve...with time..and Susan anticipated that very soon... it would be impossible for Sandra not to wear girls clothing full-time.

Sandra could no longer be considered a cross dresser, but now when she was dressed as a female was now because she had transformed into a girl and was now only content and happy -- when dressed this way.



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