ooh, that red dress again (catch that reflection in the mirror!) ... a reappearance of Amber the (good) witch ... a very bizarro "outfit" (what can I say, my fashion sense was out to lunch!!) ... and the picture that Vicky Rene chose to represent me (kind of a silly pose?)
In a silly attempt to answer a question I've long wondered about -- who is more attractive, Amber or my guy self? -- I posted a few pictures of each out on amihot.com (each as a "straight" person of their respective nominal genders) and let the guys and girls cast their votes to decide the issue.  A couple of Amber's can be found on this page.  Well, Amber won!!  She ended up with rankings from 6 to 7.5  ... compared to he with rankings from 2 to 4.  So is it any wonder that I like to dress?  Ooh, and some of the come-ons & compliments posted from the guys were enough to make me blush!! (Especially the postings, are you into younger guys?)

p.s. the experiment is over ... I felt it was more than a bit dishonest ... so don't bother looking for my pictures out there!!