fun links

sorry, under construction, finally started working on it but not done yet ... check back in a while if it looks like it might end up interesting
Maybe a defining feature of my personality is my sense of humor.  At work, I'm known (some might say notorious) throughout my building for the excellent and eclectic (polite word for bizarre?) cartoons and newspaper clippings that cover my office door.  There's always too much to choose from!  Maybe my sense of humor has been accentuated a bit as a survival mechanism.  I mean, if you can't laugh, you'll go crazy, right?  But then again, I think that my sense of humor has just always been a big part of who I am.

Many of the links are to some of my long-standing "friends" in the cartoon world who I've always been able to count on to brighten my day.  These being among my favorites, they can give you some clues as to what type of person I am :)  And if you've got any suggestions of links to add, be sure to let me know.  Be aware, mine is a relatively gentle sense of humore, so keep those really offensive things to yourself!  What my sense of humor absolutely feeds on in the utter ABSURDITY of this world we live in.  (Of which rigid gender classes are just one manifestation, of course.)  And there's sure never a lack of new evidence for this world view.  Especially in election years!!  (Ultimate trivia question:  Which cartoon strip does my e-mail name "elvonic" come from?  I'll have to think of an appropriate prize for the first person to come up with the correct answer!)

If you've actually been reading this dreck, then it shouldn't come as a surprise that I just love e-mail that brings a smile to my face.  Or even makes me laugh :)  And I'll try to return in kind.  This little discourse should also make you aware that maybe, just maybe, you should never take too literally any particular one of the comments interspersed in my pages.  (Is she serious about that?  Or not?  Sometimes even I don't know!  The mind works in mysterious ways.)

Lastly, may YOU keep smiling!  You are not alone,
