Georgia H.

Hello ...and welcome to my home page. My name is Georgia. I am a transgendered person who lives in Oklahoma, U.S.A .

To make an easy to access and retrieve web site I've moved almost everything to separate pages. Please feel free to access or bypass what you like, but don't miss the cartoon page which I try to update frequently.

This page has had Counter visitors since 8/8/2003

About Myself

I have been a life long crossdresser who has been diagnosed as a transsexual. While I would love to live my life as a woman, reality in the form of family and my reflection in the mirror convinces me that being an "occasional woman" was to be my way of expression. I don't think I am a good "passer" but I enjoy getting out to show the world that I am at ease with myself as a woman.

I could write much more, but why not just write me so we can get to know each other.





To write to me, click here and type your message or send mail to me at:

[email protected]


The Cartoon Corner

Click here to see a transgender cartoon or two.

Old Hags and Sagging Bags

"Old Hags & Sagging Bags" is a newsletter for the aging crossdresser and other older transgendered persons. The newsletter complies with the spirit and letter of Renaissance so while the emphasis seems to be on crossdressing, all transgender issues are featured.

Press here to read about it and to read the newsletters

Links to other sites


We continually, well from time to time anyway, meet interesting people and find sites that are informative and helpful to the transgendered Please jump here to see a list of and be able to link to those sites. Among the sites are those of very dear friends.

Jump to Links Page


The Gallery of Friends

The Gallery of friends is a page of photos of friends and some of their adventures. It's meant to be a fun site.

The Path to the Gallery of Friends

Updated: August 8, 2003