m-- Sometimes...

c-- sometimes, i am here... sometimes, i am there.... but all the time, i am with you !

m-- thanks

c-- u'r welcome...

m-- ok, so why am i here ?

c-- you are here my boy to teach.

m-- ok, and what is it that i shall teach?

c-- you will teach of esoteric principles in the process of creation. you will put the picture together for others to view and get a grasp of. to expand their awareness to another level. Not to end the game, rather to keep it going... only in the other direction. One of higher thoughts and in a direction to heal that which supports you.

m-- yes but father they will not believe me, my message is to loving.... it does not minipulate or decieve, it does not carry the grandious drama of mans evil ways. it is truth through my experiences, they are used to making things up through others beliefs. they do not think for themselves anymore, they are guided by the misguided.

c-- my son, truth is a measure of the heart... give them the message best as you can. let them know its for the benefit of creation, to bring the children back to the original plan, the experience of joy through caring for and joining in with the expansion of the creation. Not the destruction of it for shallow short term satisfaction.

m-- they will question me and ask on what authority do I have, to speak of such devine and spiritual doctrines.... how do i come to such non sense.

c-- My son thats the cue, "non sense", exclaim that the human experience is all non sense. No one really feels any more, they mistake thoughts as feelings , they do not use all thier senses and bring them into one feeling.... they are mis guided. thoughts may masqarade as feelings, confusing them because they do not take the time to rest with in themselves to find their true self. they do not quiet themselves to here the sublime, the voice of the spirit. the highest thought of joy and oneness, the thought that benefits the creation, they do not realize feelings are the language of the soul, that spirit is the combination of the all of it, mind and the thought of joy, body and the expressions or experiences of joy, and the soul .... the conscious thought to bring another joy, to bond in oneness and truth, we are one and the same just seperated into pieces, individual yet one, on different paths to the same answers. neither is better, it just is.

m-- they no longer hold the curious nature, they no longer search for the answers to life.... they have lost there little boy... father your children are truly lost. and now you are calling on the highest of thoughts, i know that. I hear it everyday, yet no one else seems to.

c-- the sensitives among you will see, feel and hear, as i call on you to change the path of my most precious creation, life itself. the conscious energy of the whole is raising the awareness of the smaller pieces. ..... "man" , he seems to be dazed with all his amazement of his ego self. that part which says i'm better then him, look what i got. i look for you to teach another perspective, it's not how much you have when you leave the relative plane, rather it is to see how much u can give through the bonds made within the realization of unconditional love. as you do daily my son.

m-- thank you.

c-- your welcome, your such an curious entity, you have found the boy in you, still able to play, and just have fun, you have found the obsenity of it all, ME..

m-- yes , i have... lost him for a while.. found him cowering under some steps in a basement. cold, dark , damp, just a single pull sting bulb lighting the dim grayness of his heart. i have brought him out of that dark dank place where judgment and putting another down is a daily right of those that think they are better.. because ? they are mis led, the sins of the fore fathers have been brought down to us the sons, they have evolved and mutated into the most horrid belief structures, ones a child would surely run from.

c-- yes man does from a broader perspective, he has not yet found the process.... the process you can teach, you have seen it and know it well, i have brought you to it on so many occasions, your meditiations are a powerful source in your creation my son, your focus has become devine. do not discount what you see before your eyes. you have selflessly sought the highest of devine possibilities, you would see yourself in the arms of the father, the bundle of joy that brings the stars to my eyes, and you do, as do all my other bundles of joy i have created in my like ness.

m-- thank you daddie O, i am grateful for your guidance in my spiritual and creative endevours, to create a more spiritually conscious unconditionally loving world.

c-- i am here for you always, and in always.... my child.

m-- ..... and so this is why i am here ! my choices, my free will to decide and declare who I really am, to define myself through my actions. to be a man of his word, as my father. i love you daddie O.

c-- as i do you my child .... defined through my actions of course... to be a loving father, and creator, not just a GOD.


It is ... In the beginning there was light, and "it" was good.
so where did this light come from ? this is no longer an answer: it just is ! not from my spiritual view of creation and that which has created me...

ok, daddie-o.... here it is...

my son you are very fond of me, you choose to stay close to me.

i'm here for U.

.. and so i am also here for U.


yes, kewlness

through the higher awarenesses i've been choosing to open up to the whole. Realizing the most awesome truths of the soul. I love you daddie-O.

As i do you my child.
choose wisely, and wisdom will be given unto you. choose to be that which you would have others be to you, choose to be faithful to your spirit and that faith will be strengthened a thousand fold.... choose to be love and see love in every aspect of the creation, choose to give the smile and watch it be returned even brighter. Choose to be the all of it, and watch how all of it grows ..... choose to be conscious to see just how your awarenesses will grow. Love, unconditional, eternal and free ... see "it" in all the energy you give, the energy to bring someone joy at the highest levels of the creations evolution.
the process... of life ... to experience being more that what you are or appear to be, to experience the all of it in order to decide and declare what "it" means for you. Who are you ? What are your choices ? Choices are what defines you...

I am ... evolving by my choice.


lets get back to this beginning thing... so there was a ball of light, where is its father ? who is my father ? shall we... isn't that why you've givin me such awareness, the visions and dreams of so much more that others are probably able to phathom... i would agree with n.d.w * - and if it was light pure conscious thought, pure energy which new how grand it was, and that seperated a part of itself into darkness, that piece that was lesser... only by its lack of awareness.... a relative plane, a place created with love and surrounded by love.... only i see the picture as a cell, starting over after splitting from another, the extension of the higher creations..... the new love of the darkness, that which had all the qualities of the light only the awareness of its greatness had been lessened, the light created a vibration around that which was dark until it could no longer stand the joy of the bond and expressed itself within the darkness and began a new light. The Creators flow of love (energy bringing joy) and light would bring light to endless expanses of darkness, creating still more within different cells , creating an endless flow layer upon layer...the creations evolution , the creators joy. The father, the creator.... love expressing love... unconditionally, eternal, and free. So much to see, ponder and create... to bring the joy to another part of the one which is many.... life, love and the joy of the vibes....

love you, always and in always. what a start ! ";^)


* neale donald walshe/conversations with god:an uncommon dialog.

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