my truth my path my creation
what i found over my 38 years sorting all of this out, trying to put all of this together,

now i've just decided to let go and let god, the creator my father, the man, it's a guy thing. he's my friend and my confidant, he's my inspiration, he's my life.... he's here too for you, he's sayin here i am talk to me, i'm here for you, just go in and be calm take twenty minutes aday, get to know me.

quite yourself, quiet the chatter empty out your salt shaker your vessel, fill it life and love, tolerance, infinite wisdom knowledge and resources. things you never thought were possible, gods your pallet lifes your canvas and it's yours, your the artist, and here it goes, paint that life that truth, pure creation, pure conseptual thought, pure knowing, how can i look at myself, to create something less than i am but contains the all that i am, i just take away one part, it's black i'm white, no it wasn't just the color that changed it's a dicotomy, where two things can share the same space at the same time.... to opposites in the same spot at the same time, live with it, get used to it..... live with in it accept that it exists,both sides, ok, then we split...

there was the black (un-awareness) and there was the white (awareness), and with in that dicotomy look deeper yet, there are three pieces there in that picture, that that i am and was, that that i am now and will be, and that that i am in between them (the knowing of it all), the space which holds them together. the spirit the fiber, i am here i am there and i am also the space inbetween. that's what i see, that's what he tells me, so when i realized.... I REAL I ZED.....

its before my eyes that i see all things, i make my reality, make your own reality, there are a bizzillion realities going on and we are all in it together happening all at one time... pretty fantastic creation hey, thats god godding, experiencing it's self, one little piece at a time, we are all just a thread in the tapestry of life, get along with your neighbor, love your brothers and paint a beautiful picture, call it LIFE.

So now i'm going to step back and i'm going to take you to a new view. yet an even more deeper view....

before we split, walk across the line step inside, into the white light, pure white, i 'm going to help you see this ok, going to help try to use your imagination, your "image" in motion, image it in your mind, see it with your eyes closed, what would it look like its your reality, create it, its your hollodeck, well when you walk into the room its white, it's white in the corners, it's white on the ceiling its white on the floors, and when you shut the door it seals white, no visible lines.... there are no walls your inside a sphere.

your floating in the middle, theres no floor yet you feel as though you are standing, that your on something solid, now "imagine" to blank out your body, so that you only have your eyes, you see, your seeing only out of your eyes, your seeing only white, yet you know your there, you are conscious of your being, you feel your presence there, you see only white and you feel your presence there.

You Are Inside, inside the body of "God".

now what ever you IMAGINE within that white that is your screen, that is your vision, that is your canvas, what do you choose to put there ? what were you inspired to put there, what do you hold dearest to your heart ? what do you "feel" you should put there, check it out, it's pretty bizzare, it's pretty wild....

that's my truth , that's how i found it !!! God trys to bring me inspirations through my everyday living and life, through the communications, through the media and the musik, and that particular one came through to me through star trek, deepspace 9 (commander sysko went thru the worm hole and found the prophets of the bajorins) they were laying in the whiteness of the clouds talking to the prophets. IMAGINE that you laying there in the whiteness with just your eyes in the mist, the whiteness of it all, knowing your there and having a conversation with something, unseen yet heard from within the quietness thats conveyed through your thoughts and feelings, it's there everyday, it's my inspiration, it's my IMAGINATION.....

god is creation, god is movment, god is pure energy, god is not a he or her, god is an IT, the great IT, the all of everything, ok the all,the almighty, the here the there, the space inbetween, god is you god is me, god is in-between, we are here and we are here to look back on the creation and say to the creator , WOW, you put all that together ? what a magnificient creation, i did all that ??? lol and then you have this cell of a planet floating out here, in the plasma of space your body, the blackness which you created seperate from the light, so that we can materialize matter, coelesse your energies together, to make millions and billions carbon machines, seperate cell untis, a bio body suit, computers, motionless until you put under a highpowered microscope, the molecules and atoms wizzing at such great speeds, barely conceivable with in the human mind. that is god being god, motion, the wave of thought, consiously saying "I AM".... in that momment a atom holding to gether the rock, that is god being god, recreating himself, so that he could look back on himself and say damn, I"M GOOD...... gods a comedian to sometimes, who do you think invented comedy and scifi ??? look at the big picture, trying to get it acrossed to you, through others expressions, their talents and gifts,we all express differently, express yourself, what do you choose to create ?

tape 5 coming alive thank you
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