
i hope before you came to this next tape, that u've taken some time a week or so, taken the time 20minitues a day,to think about the salt shaker metaphor. did a little cleaning in your house, opened some windows let the new fresh breeze through feels really good huh, like springtime fresh...

well now is when the growth starts...plant some bulbs, sow some seeds.... going to give them some water with the water of life... and see what sprouts, just how do you shape your garden as i do, i'm a gardener too, i put my hands in the soil, see that the touch of the grass is green.... i take care of this piece and i'm home.

give your self some time, your looking for the light, it's ok it's there, and when the student is ready the teacher will appear, may be you just needed to hear a little bit more, thats all, now... how i see the big picture... give you a little background here... my mother was a nun, yes.. she was, she renounced her vows in the catholic church as sister mary francais, in 1958 somewhere in there, in order to marry my father who was a drill seargent in the united states army, one of three, the youngest and aboy, i have two sisters, 38 when this was first recorded, now 42+, and i've really walked my path to find out where i am. My mother wouldn't let complete the catholic holy communion and catacysms, she told me that if i wanted to find god i would have to find him within myself, and she let me go. my whole family is arts and crafts,color and creation... that's how i got where i am, so that's a little about me, i found my god, i seek and it shall come unto you, that's all just look have the faith of the mustard seed, it is so true, i believe in jesus, i believe in that god is man, we are all the same and we are all one, jesus said that all this more you shall all do also, you should believe that it's true, don't believe everything around you, it's not about fear, it's about love, it's about creating and being who you really are in the big picture.

so, pure white light, all that there is all that there ever was, thank you for allowing me to be a filter and allowing to spread your truth, i join with you the one'ness, i allow it to speak through me and that is fine, because it looks out for me and provides when i have needs every day, and i have miricales made aware to me each day, like this tape, to have the courage and the strength and the focus to sit and do this, to put this together for you, to put it all into words,everything that has been floating with in my heart and my mind for all these years. it's simply now in this moment....

pure white light, the all the everything, eternally , the beginning, tha'ts all there is, that's god,that's inspiration, pure energy, pure consciousness, pure conceptual knowing, everything that everwas and will be in an instant in god, in thought in pure thought ,every answer is already there, every solution to every problem has been worked out, you just have to know it and know that it will show it's self. , it will show itsself.... so we have the beginning the inspriation the god the consciousness, everyone always said hook up and meditate, hookup and meditiate, hook up to the unversal light,the universal mind, well it has been given to me in full color, pure white, all the colors combined ever color that was and ever will be, pure white, my light my god ....the creator, pure light ,pure love, though it still may be a micro cosym in the macro cosym, make as many layers as you like, that's creation, that's what it's all about make your own picture your own painting,

so god says, here i am, i know i am, i know everything about myself, and i know i'm grand, and yet i don't experience, i don't look back on my self and see how grand i am, i'm not able to do that, to look back on the creation and to see everything i've created, so conceptualizing and running it through a bazillion mega circuits the solution would be so i'll take just one part of me i'll make it less, and in this part of me i will instill everything that i know, all of the processes of creation, to create freely of its own will as my own in creating that one piece, it was seperate,yet is still apart of the whole. so it was a big bang a humungus vibration, the extreme flashes and the glory of the creator in the thunder of creating, where two things can be simoteaniously in the same space at the same time, the light and the darkness, total opposites, god created the darkness and it was good, tape three what's it all about, stop by, drop in and open your mind free your mind, the matrix movie come on a new perspective, look again, i just turned on the flood lights, wanna walk my path ? join me... should be a movie, a really good movie, my god bless you and may you always have enough ....

my light, michael
