"ONE UNIVERSE", a cell among many, "OUR PLANET", a cell within a cell, "OUR PEOPLE", a cell alive, because of cells.... inside of cells... inside of cells...

I had a hard time drawing this, so i'm going to try to discribe it. If you read my other writing you would know that I am one who expereinces as a NDE. I had a swimming accident, and watched as I was resusitated. At the age of 39 I was offered a job helping a guy go claming in the bay. I himmed and hawwed around the issue for a while, until he stopped by one day. We got on the conversation about claming so I decided to open up. When I was done telling him, he said, "so you were out long enought to see it all", just at that point he said "all", it was like a magic word. I left my body, I opened my eyes and seen myself as the lavender wisp coming out of a ring, this huge white glowing circle. Looking around I could see other white rings glowing in the blackness, then I was back.

They are cells, the one which I pray to is a "cell" and I live with in it. wow, I was blown away, I had to ask him to leave. I cryed for mankind for three days, I felt every sadness. The cell in which I lived was sick, I felt the earths pain. I saw how oil being sucked out of the earth was like a mosquito taking my blood. I saw how man treated the earth, like cancer cells treat the human body, they destroy it. I was so SAD.

this second picture is about, light flashes, what many call angels/fairies or fireflies. I've seen things since I was a kid, I once told my friend joe about six years ago (in like 2000) that when I looked into the sky it looked like t.v. static. I didn't see things the way everyone else did. As the years have passed and I have attuned my focus and got conscious the static started taking shape. What I call it now is the "matrix-mesh", the unseen space in-between. I started looking into the sky and the seven up soda bubbles would come to mind. Look at like looking "into" a soda glass, don't look through it to the clouds, look into it, like a clear soda glass, what is inbetween me and the sky ? I would focus to a cellular level, and what i finally came out with looked like blood vessels with little beads of light shooting through. Then I got really into it and seen their exact movements, they were passing thoughts......

the light would come in to the cell, it would be split into three, and passed forward and side to side, and at the same time it would have another comming from the opposite direction, spliting into three and passed the other way. I found that it was best to look on a grey day when there is a lot of moisture in the air, water is truly the conductor of lifes energies. How sad it is that it is polluted daily by humans when it should be revelled as "divine".

I have many other visually intriguing experiences, one is ... and I would like to have it tested someday, is that I can see "CELLS". I mean like little blood cells under a microscope. You would say, no one can do that, I say "I CAN". When I look into either a sunbeam, a ray comming of a candle or even in the lighting red glow of a cigarette. I see a circle, within the circle I have seen and comfirmed my lashes and the water wave as I close and open my eyes, within this when the wave subsides, i see circular cells and long tubular cells I call them water worms (they look like worms) maybe i'll sketch out a picture. It's really cool, I would get tested. Have someone put a colored cell or a particular type of cell on my eye and give me a candle, I would be able to draw it or describe its color,all the cells on the eye are like translucent.
I guess if you look for the "sight", it would be shown to you.
It has been shown unto me of course I've been looking for 30yrs.

and I've found out that it dosn't take decades, just an honest heart, the curiousity of a child.
