Father thank you for being here with me in the everlasting moment of eternal truth. My mastery has taken me 31 years and now "I AM" in truth your son a being of truth here to pronounce my judgements as I have been judged.

The world is sick, the earth is dieing and has become an un-godly place. And so just as the human body puts out white blood cells, so does the body of the one, in me I find the strength to fight the cancer of the human experience.

It's time and I AM here. I have put this off because I didn't choose to hurt anyone, however now I come to the fork in the road. I can no longer bere to experience anymore pain wether physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual.

Every human that I have opened up to on a spiritual level, one of true unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness has put a dagger in my back, lieing, cheating, stealing from me and causing me grief on my path. Now I will, and it is pure conscious "will" the will of my father to start teaching some lessons. Not easy ones either, the most difficult lesson in this existance is to look in a mirror , look into your own eyes and realize, my father is looking back and knows all your thoughts. Wether you are conscious or not you can not hide from my father, for "it" is the "all of it".

So let it be known now, that through my eyes, ears, nose and all the sensors I have been given, I have seen, heard, smelled, touched and tasted all of mans pollution. You pollute the air, water and the earth you were created from, and would kill your own brethren yet you say you are "godly" ..... please enough is enough.

Father, I see the truth and it hurts. Humans are vile insipient creatures, they have evolved into a cancer, they are sick with others beliefs. Not following their own heart, they are ashamed and guilt ridden, none among them are "men". Until NOW. I AM HERE.

What is a man ? Believe me that penis doesn't make you a "man", no matter how big. A "man" walks a path of truth and honors those around him, a man takes care of that which was put in his hands by my father, the everlasting spirit and praises the creation. For thou shalt have no god before me, the living spirit.

So your not very manly if you pollute and plunder, kill and castrate, in the name of greed, vanity and live to satisfy your ego. For the ego is everything un-godly.

And now let the show begin, I AM HERE NOW TO HEAL THIS WORLD, it won't be easy going and many may be hurt or even taken back to the oneness , not by me for I would not raise a hand, however others are not like me.

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