Thursday, May 26, 2005
My Truth: a matter of faith

Thanks for stopping by, this blog is my spiritual diary an expression built on my truth. It is intended to get you thinking, to help and inspire you to higher thoughts of consciousness, to get you connected with the rest of creation, and your "self".

"note": I work at very high levels of consciousness, I check my thoughts 24/7, the discipline (my philosophy) was tough in the beginning and now is like not even a bother, it just comes naturally.

Please in order to understand where I am at there is a pre requesit, I can only suggest that you read a few things.

1. Conversations with GOD, an uncommon dialog by Neale D. Walsh
(3 book set, atleast read book one, public library may have it)

2. Watch the movie - what the BLEEP do we know ? (involves quantum physics)
the science of possibilities, the importance of thoughts and what they are.

I am here to let you know many wonderous things will happen, I am here to help you switch back on the LIGHT. To help you find your devinely intended path and quell the fears. For what is FEAR - false evidence appearing real.

We are all fitted for a purpose, there is a reason for everything under the son. This is a very "potent" blog, @ 41 I am now very strong in my faith, what I believe to be the absolute truth. It will spawn contraversy, gaurenteed it will make you think. Possibly even strike up anger, caution: do not act until you have spent time thinking of the possibilities and effects of your actions. For you are defined by what you say and do, I define myself as a spiritual guide, a teacher , my creators creation; an unconditionally loving soul. So now I am acting on that belief, teaching and also being taught, for I know that what I give you I am also giving to my "self"; for we are all "ONE".

Join me on my path of enlightenment, and begin to enjoy the abundance of creation. For if the creator can put together such a wonderous thing as our Universe, think of what "it" can put together for you. "in faith", I know, all things are possible. The only impossibility is that which has yet to be imagined. So within "my truth", I live in abundance; finding my needs are always taken care of and there is nothing to fear.

I will go very deep, within my faith, my purpose is to help you understand, "the all" of "it". With this I will be helping to heal that which created us, for we do truly come from the earth beneath our feet.

Please feel free to express yourself, there is no shame or guilt here. I do not put mans conditions on my spirit, I cannot in truth and still be an unconditional loving soul. You are not alone, though sometimes it may really feel like it, realize that is just a "thought" masquerading as a feeling. Don't look at things, look into them. ..... look into the possibilities !

Thanks for being here, that means theres still HOPE. (for all of "it")


Friday, May 27, 2005
What I don't believe !

It took me awhile to realize, to bring it into my reality, that the father wasnt' a male figure. Yes, you may have heard that we were made in "his" "image"; however it does not say in "HIS FORM". The form, the shape of a human man. Image I believe in this perspective would mean masculine male energy in cell "form", for mans image is that of a seperate unit. A relative cell, a unit of the whole, moving from here to there completing its tasks and releasing energy creating a new moment in each moment.

The "father" in this context would be the white light surrounding the darknes, the awareness seperated from the un-awareness. It would then be seen that in the begining there was light, and the light created the darkness.... the birth of a new cell. The ONE... a new light, the cellic faith. We are special and unique, we were the cells born with in the darkness, the un-awareness, the other side of the coin. We are capable of becoming aware, for that is where we originated... just as our own bodies create new cells, as our consciousness rises so do our cells.

Like I said this would be going deep, I really hope you take the time to read the suggested materials. The authors really are divinely inspired, as I. My posts maybe short for awhile I am still getting things together, your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Yes, even the "hate" mail, there maybe something I need within it. ";^) The universe communicates in many different ways.

May You Be Blessed, "Happy Summer from the Beach".
