This is the place to learn about me - I hope you'll take the time to write to me and let me know more about you

Kimberly Michelle Stewart

I'm glad you wanted to learn a little about me. Before we get too deeply into things I like and don't like, let me be honest with you - I was born male, and I am in the midst of becoming what I know inside I really am - a woman. For those who can't follow that, I am a Male-to-Female (commonly referred to as M2F) transsexual. This means that I was born physically male, but that I am emotionally and psychologically female (although that's a gross oversimplification; if you want more information or details, there are plenty of sites on the web for that). At the moment, I am not completely physically female, but I am making good progress in that direction!

May we dispense, though, with the labels? I would much prefer if you could just forget the part about my being born male, and simply accept me as the woman I am inside and am becoming outwardly. Thank you!

Now, we'll move on to something I know will interest you:


Age: 32

Height: 6'2"

Bust: 36A

Weight: ~170 lbs.

Hips: 36

Waist: 34

These are some of the things I don't like - just so you know:

Then there are things I do like:

Personal - Well, a little more personal information:

I live in central Georgia, and I want to date. I'm not looking for a commitment. Dating doesn't mean a lifetime of togetherness! I define it as going out and having a good time with someone fun.  So if you want to date me, I'd love to hear from you!

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