Welcome to my picture page. This page will carry updated (or as close to as current as I can get) of pictures of Mark and I. Most of these pictures were taken by Lynn Ludwig on the weekend of August 23rd and 24th of 2002, at the Sacramento Valley Bears weekend known as Bears In The Sac (BITS).

Corporate Mark

Mark and roses

Mark by the beach

Mark in a white tank


Mark & Brian faces


Brian & Mark faces

Brian's belly

Brian sitting

Brian's mug

Brian's mug 2

Bust of Brian

Now, to quote C-3P0, "I'm afraid our furry friend has gone and done something rash."

Brian as a blond Ok, I know that everyone wants to know why I would do this. Well, let me explain. I did it because when I was born, my mother thought I was bald, but it was just really blond hair. So I wondered what I would look like. And that is pretty much the reason why. Kinda silly I guess, but then, its only hair. And it will grow back. But its fun to look at. So, now you know why.

Now without glasses

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