1. As being Gay is not a matter of choice - but rather a Divinely created reality, and as Islam is THE TRUTH, then Gay people cannot be excluded from Islam but have to be accommodated in a meaningful way. To exclude such people would be excluding a whole dimension of The Creation and this would in fact undermine any claim by Islam to be The Truth (which it is).

2. Traditional interpretations of Islam - most clearly seen in the Shariah (Islamic Law) - with the harshest of punishments - lack any appreciation of the reality (problem) and clearly base their responses on the idea that Gayness is a simple choice faced by the people involved and that they were to get their "just deserts" for going against their God-given nature.

3. Clearly, the traditional approach was misguided (though no doubt well meaning). But those who still argue the traditional case are in fact arguing against the Truth, validity and universality of Islam because they are saying Islam does not uphold the Truth (as born out by research) (ie. Gays are created so). In fact, they are being anti-Islam and make Islam out-dated and a relic of a misguided culture, rather that a dynamic relevant God-given Truth. Which thinking person would "stick to" or "re-embrace" such a Way of Life?

4. Unfortunately, as most research is modern (recent) and as the role of Gays in an open Islamic society is still being discovered or developed, there are few Islamic Gay role models available. So Gays at present, within the Islamic framework have real problems to face and to reconcile with their understanding of Islam. There are two clear issues: a] to accept yourself and to proclaim yourself as Gay is a relatively simple step in Islam [and as you were created such, it is something you SHOULD (MUST) do]. Attraction to people of the same sex is not a "sin". Many Gay people accept this but do not then act on their attraction. b] However, if you have been created with specific needs (if a plant is created to bloom) - it would be a very strange Creator who then prevented that need from being fulfilled (sorry plant no bloom for you...). As the need is NOT a CHOICE, it should/must be permitted. The debate then is "How?"- in marital union/partnership arrangement/ or some other way outside of commitment. Here, lacking any guidance from within Islam - and as most Gays are forced to see themselves as somehow outside Islam (being rejected by traditional interpretations), this is a shady area where at present, the individual has to make the decision within the confines of his understanding and the relationship with his Creator and what larger society permits.

5. The large degree of suicide amongst Gay males has been due to their "catch 22" situation where they either have to deny themselves and act out a role which they do not fit (and therefore be hypocritical) or challenge the whole of society (and face consequent condemnation - and punishment)(death in any case?) Even the suicide is then condemned! This situation cannot be permitted to continue as it CANNOT be the will of a JUST/LOVING/MERCIFUL CREATOR.

CONCLUSIONS: * Gay people need to accept themselves as that. Having accepted themselves they need to solve the problems of self-fulfilment in the best manner their conscience dictates. *

Gays need to organise themselves locally and internationally to:

(a) support each other through their difficulties in this matter (difficulties which must be there, given the ignorance of the broader society).

(b) start to conscientise the broader society and educate it.

(c) fight for their RIGHTS as part of GOD'S CREATION'.

(d) supply adequate spiritual support.

(e) educate each other with regards to health issues.

(f) debate the issue of sexual relationships and commitment within the Gay context.

FOOTNOTE: For many reasons (some sited above), Gay Muslims are in a confused state and their lives and lifestyles (some married, some not) reflect this. Productive debate and co-operation can only be successful if it is conducted in an open, non-judgemental way (unless you know you are perfect....)

As the traditional Muslim arguments about Gays are well known, they have not been expanded on here at this present time.