...a thunderous voice...

..from a diminutive body...

..Luz Esther Benitez Rosado was born in Bayamon, Puerto Rico one July..she was the only daughter to Juan Benitez and Luz Maria Rosado..she also had three brothers:Enrique, Ramon and Wilfredo..Lucy (as known to her fans, friends and family) was influenced by her mother's singing at home while performing chores..The first song she ever sang in public was "La Barca" and from there her career went uphill..el Club del Clan, Show de las 12 and countless others..Her high point was winning first prize in Mexico in March of 1969 with her hence incomparable rendition of G.V. Lloveras' GENESIS..a very brief yet powerful testament way ahead of its time that evokes the tragedy of man's weak will and God's strong commandment of eternal love....Lucy went on to perform with Sammy Davis, Jr., a stint at the Ed Sullivan Show in November 1970 and her place in history of being the highest paid performer in the Club Caribe at the Caribe Hilton in PR...

� 1997 [email protected]

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