Qualifications and Academic Interests

(Past and present)

First of all

I attended Durham Johnston School in my home town of Durham where I obtained GCSEs in English Literature, English Language, Geography, French, Art, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology...

After a period of indecision as to whether I was better suited to science or humanities, I took the English Literature, Geography and French up to GCE Advanced level, and took an additional AS-level in General Studies, and an additional GCSE in Drama.


I enrolled at Lancaster University, in the North West of England to study English Literature, Philosophy, and Culture and Communication studies...

During my final two years there I took a combined major B.A. (Bachelor of Arts degree) in English and Philosophy and achieved a pass with class two, division one honours...

And now...

After a years break, living in Manchester I find myself enrolled at the University of Kent in Canterbury where I am nearing the end of the first year of a two year part time M.A. in Modern Studies. Although my main academic interests lie with philosophy, I am taking full advantage of the flexible programme here.

In my second year I hope to incorporate film studies into my general course of study, and to look at the history of how academics have tried to conceptualise the phenomenon of transgendered people... with supervision from the philosophy department.

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