My Photo Gallery

A collection of photos I couldn't resist putting on the web...

A photo of me taken on a train somewhere between Canterbury and Ashford, bound for the Slimelight club in London...

My friend Shelly who lives in London probably slightly tipsy when this photo was taken on her birthday...

Nick and Simon, cutting the Birthday cake!!!

"She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge" and she studies architecture. Meet Maria, my bestest friend here in Canterbury, captured on film at Shelly's party...

A very drunk trio, Maria, Simon, and Athena stagger around the dancefloor at Slimelight...

Earlier on, Eddie (a.k.a. 'Silver'? (Please, no jokes about peg-legs or thermal underwear!!) demostrates that one doesn't need wings to be a bat!

Photos of Durham

A couple of piccies of my home town where I used to live before I moved to Canterbury...

A photo of Durham Cathedral glinting in the sunlight of a snowy December day in 1995, taken through the trees that grow on the banks of the River Wear...

'The Bailey' on the same day, a few days before Xmas eve...

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