What we offer:

Our Ministries

Spirit Wings:

Our newsletter is published every other month.


Our bookstore is open after every Sunday Service. We carry a wide selection of gay/lesbian/bisexual books, jewelry, flags as well as many free resources.


Our pastor does limited, short-term counseling for individuals or couples and will also make referrals to 12-step programs or long-term counseling.

Fellowship Opportunities:

A variety of social gatherings are held at least once a month. These often include card parties (last Saturday of the month), potlucks, pool parties, bowling, dances, camping and canoeing.

Social Outreach:

Our faith calls us not only to reach up but to reach out! Please see "upcoming events" for current social outreach programs.

Support Group for Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Transgendered Persons Who Are Parents:

On the 2nd Thursday of the month from 7:00 - 8:30pm we offer a parenting support group.

Susquehanna Nursing Center:

On the 2nd Sunday of the month we hold worship at the Nursing Center. We gather at 2:00pm and worship from 2:30 - 3:00 pm.

Christian Education: Wednesdays - 7:30pm (at the church)

A variety of educational events including Bible strudy, relationship issues, understanding ourselves and others, sexuality study, leadership training and much more. MCC of the Spirit seeks to offer educational opportunities that will strengthen and stretch our spirituality and our whole selves. A yearly all-church retreat is held the 2nd weekend following labor day.

State Street Ministry:

On the 2nd Saturday of the month we pass out condoms with the church phone number.