Our Values, Mission and Vision


Value Statements

Unconditional Love/God Committed

MCC of the Spirit holds the value that every person is a creation of God, worthy of respect, dignity, and acceptance. Like the warmth of a loved one’s open arms, our doors are open to those who seek unconditional love in a non-judgmental atmosphere. We ask ourselves, "What would Jesus do?"

Diverse Theology/The Word is Preached

MCC of the Spirit recognizes the richness and diversity of each unique individual. God’s Word comes alive as we embrace, celebrate, and share the depth of faith experiences and eclectic theologies that each person brings to our community.

Place of Healing

We are called to wholeness through God’s love and guidance. MCC of the Spirit provides a safe haven where all are invited to experience the process of healing in mind, body and spirit. As ministers of faith, we are encouraged to be a part of each other’s healing experiences.

Social Justice

We are committed to live out Micah 6:8; The Lord God has told us what is right and what God demands: "See that justice is done, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." Using prayerful judgement and consideration we will take public stands and reasonable action on issues concerning social justice for those who suffer oppression.

Models of Wholeness

God calls those of us who know healing and wholeness to be models of acceptance and growth for others. We will create disciples who follow Jesus’ example of placing God first, living God’s love and forgiveness, practice direct dealing, increase our lie of prayer, and stand for justice.

MCC of the Spirit Vision Statement

We heed the Voice of the Spirit, which calls us to create an open, safe, respectful, multi-cultural, multi-generational and healing church where all are welcomed and unconditionally loved.

We foster the creation of disciples of Christ radically committed to unity, freedom and social justice in our world.

MCC of the Spirit Mission Statement

MCC of the Spirit provides a safe, respectful, diverse community of faith, primarily to gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals and the transgendered. We offer worship, education, training, outreach and ministry opportunities so that the community will know healing, wholeness and growth.