
by Joe C.

The sky is dark with blue gray clouds
some thick and dark
seeming to cover the world
in an immense embrace
some lighter and brighter
fluffs and wisps that make a heart hope
for just a glimpse of warm sun light.

But the rain falls
driven by the wind
against my window
to cry down the pane
as it joins other drops into streams of tears
that cause me to check my own eyes
to be sure the tears are coming from outside.

The trees, ancient, wise, noble nurturers
bow their heads to the downpour
protecting the small fragile lives
in the nests and nooks of their strong arms.

The only sound to be heard
is the pounding of the rain
as the sky pours out its heart
upon the earth
while the world waits
in muted silence.

Drops of life giving water
pounds on the grasses
that have gone thirsty for so many months
and shatters upon the parking lots and sidewalks
to clean away the dirt and grime
of human carelessness.

Small rivers and streams
rush to fill all the empty spaces
till all I see is a dark ocean
outside my window
broken only by the dark gray green of the trees
that seem to shed their own tears
tears of joy and relief
tears that will continue
to feed the grass and the flowers
even after the rain has gone.

A time to reflect on regrets and sorrows
to cleanse our hearts and souls
with prayerful tears
a time to start fresh and new
to sing out thanks to the Lord
for the rain and for the blue sky to come
because without the dark rainy days
never would we see
a beautiful, heavenly rainbow
with its divine promise
that peace and joy is ours forever
in our Lord Jesus Christ.

(Poem by leJocre)

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