Last month's Examples:

Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21


figure 2 and 3 are the best! look at that guys abs on fig 2! and figure 3, look at those biceps and chest! ugh! good pictures!!

Your site is one of the funniest I have seen yet. I am attracted to very few of the pictures you have posted, although this month's were slightly better than previous months. I'm a face person, and so ""flex-ers"" are not really my thing. What makes the site work (for me anyways) is your commentary. You remind me a lot of one of my friends. Just thought I'd tell you I was entertained.
(Thanks. I think we're all "face people" first and foremost -- and then we start noticing what's holding up the face....)

Wow a selection of USDA prime cut beef this month!
#3 My idle,perfection personified in every manor.
(I presume idle cattle are raised on your manor.)
#1 A man who doesn't seem to mind showing it off, and he show's it off very well. A visit to his site is a must!
#2 Great abs, but the competition is very tough.

Hi my name is Steven Anthony and I am figure 1. I wanted to know if it was possible to link my homepage to my photo shown here? The address is If you could do that I would be very thankful.
(Of course! And how can you ever repay me....?)

All three are AMAZING! Especially #2 and #3, God... Give me either of them any day.

Good Gawd!! Who can decide??? I'll take all three! (BTW, welcome back!)

Fig #3 is the tops! That young hung could last all weekend long. I bet he is eternally hard!

I would say #1 has done his homework on bodybuilding! He is in great shape, you can always tell that by someones abs! Figure # 2 is hard to see, lets hear for black and white. Figure 3 is in good shape but is young and needs time to develope his body.
(Not much time, I'm thinking.)

#1. Balanced, symmetrical and ripped. Great abs. Partial because I know him and know how dedicated he is to staying in shape.

All three are ABS-olutely fantastic. Still, I have to admit I'd most like to tackle Figure 3. How considerate to pose with a football. Could even tempt one to unnecessary roughness..

Figure #2 gets my vote. Nothing turns me on more than to see a man in his Calvins with a great chest, and a good set of six packs. Love your site and look forward to it each month. Keep up with the quality of men and scans. Happy Holidays.

Figure 3 is awesome!!!!! Nearly perfect. Exactly how "muscleboys" should be!! Keep up the great work!!

Number one has got nice legs, but WHOO, HOO!!!! Number hottie three all the way, he's one hot son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All 3 of these guys look like professional models to me. Even so, Fig 1 is by far the hottest - those pecs & abs couldn't get more ripped! Too bad he wasn't flexing those arms, too!
(Bet he would if you ask him -- see address above)

If #3 had been the kid next door when I was growing up, I would have come out a whole lot sooner and probably played football.
(Maybe you'd 'a been a cheerleader!)

Figure 3 is gorgeous - he's got the nicest skin, and cute little abs.
(Um, could we be a little more sensitive to the BUTCH�ambience we are striving to achieve?)

1 and 2 have great bodies and for whoever is 3, keep at it-you'll look just as good, in fact i fyou had a six-pack you would look better

Number 2 is the best overall stud. He's got the total "package"...

Figure 1 shows what most men try to acheive through workouts, definition! The pecs, abs, shoulders, arms, and legs compliment each other to present the complete package. #2 is to shadowed, but looks promising. # 3 is well on his way with a nice muscle amount but not the muscle maturity or definition as in #1.

Thanks, everybody. In the future, could we be a little more creative?��I am aware of the muscle definition, abs, size, etc., and so is everyone else. Tell us something we wouldn't have thought of!

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