Record of the Origin of the Voluntary Slavery of dave

WHEREAS i, dave, have had the privilege to serve MASTER Wes as His slave for over seven months in 1998, and

WHEREAS i worship Him, and

WHEREAS i revel being in His presence, and

WHEREAS i would cherish further serving MASTER Wes as His slave through December 31st, 1999, being under His control, and

WHEREAS i have been given adequate opportunity to discuss my concerns with MASTER Wes, and

WHEREAS i am certain that i understand sufficiently MASTER Wes' intentions, and

WHEREAS i have found a MASTER whom i respect completely, whom i love deeply and passionately, and whom i trust utterly; the MASTER of my dreams; a MASTER whom i wish to serve and honor, therefore

i AM SIGNING and subscribing to this document and its implications, entering into a condition of slavery to MASTER Wes of my own free will and choice, looking upon this document and the life it continues as a special opportunity to further express my love for my MASTER and to increase the love, liberty and spirituality in my life.

"slave dave, as slave, pledges complete and unconditional obedience to Master Wes' orders. i hereby place responsibility for my well being in Your hands, SIR."


WHEREAS I am pleased with the thoughtful, loving service I receive from slave dave, and

WHEREAS I love having slave dave revel in being in My presence, and

WHEREAS I desire this slave's worship, and

WHEREAS I enjoy being responsible for slave dave's well-being by providing care, love, passion, and control, and

WHEREAS I enjoy feeling that I am the most loved MASTER in the world, and

WHEREAS I recognize the rare wonder I have found: an honest, intelligent and articulate slave; a slave who listens to Me and tries to give Me what I command; a slave who appreciates My gifts of Dominance; a slave who nurtures Me and tries to bring Me joy; a slave who loves Me. I have found the slave of My dreams and will go to any length to honor him and have him by My side, therefore

I AM SIGNING and subscribing to this document and its implications, entering into a condition of MASTERY to slave dave of My own free will and choice, looking upon this document and the life it continues as a special opportunity to further express My love for My slave and to increase the love, liberty and spirituality in My life.

"MASTER Wes as MASTER, accepts and takes responsibility for His slave's well-being. I hereby proclaim that I shall provide dave with love, care, passion and control."

Signed in San Francisco, California


Signed in San Francisco, California


Witnessed in San Francisco, California



MASTER & slave learned much about each other in 1998. As is our method of operating, we explicitly state here some understandings:
  • Halfway through this year of service, on June 30th, 1999, Master and slave will take stock of the realationship and incorporate any needed changes, putting them in writing if appropriate.
  • Both MASTER and slave are working toward making this beautiful leather realationship work for the long-haul.
  • MASTER understands that the ability for a slave to submit grows as a realationship grows.
  • Working on this for the long-haul and wanting to nurture the realationship as such, slave will submit to MASTER a power of attorney to formalize MASTER's interest in His California affairs.
  • MASTER hereby orders slave to manage MASTER's California money and maintain His California home, where slave will live when not in Houston. slave will also manage slave's employment for MASTER. If in the future MASTER no longer delegated such decisions, He would -- as a MASTER with foresight and love should -- protect a nest-egg to provide for slave's future, including family fiscal obligations should MASTER die or otherwise leave.
  • Desiring to enhance MASTER's exhibitionistic opportunities, slave will kiss MASTER's boots in every leather-friendly venue whenever they have been apart except when MASTER indicates otherwise.
  • MASTER and slave support the spiritual growth of the other. The use of the word "worship" regarding MASTER does not mean that MASTER wants to take the place of the God of slave's understanding.

© 1999 by MASTER Wes