A little bit about

Portland, Or.

Welcome to Portland, Or. This is where we have been living for the last five years. There are a lot of things for us to do here, Portland is the biggest city in Oregon. There is a large gay and lesbian community here and lots of places, events and organizations for us to explore. We also have the Pride March here every summer and a big get together on the waterfront later that evening. There is also Peacock in the park which I have heard a lot about but have not been to yet. Maybe this year I will make it there.

Portland is a beautiful city which attracts many. Portland is also known as The City of Roses, BridgeTown, and The City of Fountains. There are many public rose gardens here with hundreds of different types of roses, that's where City of Roses comes from. The Willamette River sepperates East and West Portland, there are ten bridges that provide access between the two. The Columbia River is between Oregon and Washington and there are two bridges for access there. There are a lot more bridges but these are the main ones that everyone in Portland knows and uses. The Ross Island Bridge is the bridge that I use every day when commuting to and from work, heres a picture of it.

Twelve main bridges in all. So this is where they got BridgeTown. Then there's City of Fountains, I don't really know exactly how many fountains there are but I have seen many, it seems like there is a fountain every couple of blocks in downtown Portland.

Being the biggest city in Oregon we have many attractions here, we have the Portland Trailblazers an NBA basketball team,The Portland Winterhawks an NHL hockey team, The Portland Rockies a minor league baseball team, The Portland Pride an indoor soccer team and The Portland Forest Dragons an indoor football team. We have two major colosseums to house all of the games The Rose Garden and The Memorial Colosseum, which is where they have most of the music concerts also.

We also have something called Portland Saturday Market which is held every weekend in the downtown area. This is where people get together and sell all kinds of homemade crafts, clothing, home furnishings, food, etc. they also have stuff like live music, magicians, clowns and psychics. We go to the Saturday Market often in the summer months.

Downtown Portland is known for the skyscrapers, cobblestone streets, public parks, light rail and trolley. This is a picture of downtown.

Portland is, like most big cities, very beautiful at night, kind of like looking at the sky. The lights remind me of stars. Here is one of my favorite pictures of Portland. This is what you can see from the freeway.

I really enjoy living here and would encourage anyone who is traveling in the area to stop by and visit Portland.

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