The Golden Gate park Tai Chi Class

San Francisco, California

Instructor: Master Bill Chin

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General Information

The Golden Gate park Tai Chi Class is an informal group which studies and practices Tai Chi Chuan. Members believe that practicing Tai Chi will make their lives healthy, productive and more satisfying.

The group's goal is to promote positive and healthy development of the individual, and improve relationships among people through the practice of Tai Chi. Anyone who wants to learn and enjoy Tai Chi in a friendly, supportive atmosphere, and agrees with the class goals, is welcome to join. No fee is requested. You need only an interest and willingness to invest some effort.

The Class meets every Saturday and Sunday morning from 8:30 to 10 am at Spreckels Lake in Golden Gate park (near 36th Avenue and Fulton Street.) The Yang-style, 96-movement long-form Tai Chi Chuan is taught.

Classes include warm-up exercises, group practice of the set, and instruction of the movements by Master Chin and senior students. Those interested may also learn a Chen-style Tai Chi form, taught by Mr. Frank Soon, or Ba-Gua (Eight-Trigram) Palm taught by Master Ho. Advanced group instruction is given by Master Chin, by invitation, to students committed to perfecting their Yang-style form and learning the Tai Chi martial art and meditation.

Class Outline

Each session begins with warm-up exercises followed by the Tai Chi set. New and beginning students are encouraged to participate, and learn by observing and following others. Advanced students, wearing red wristbands, are dispersed through the group. These students are also available to answer question on the form.

After the group practice, the class separates into three instructional groups:

� Group 1, Movements 1 to 19 (First Apparent Close Up)
� Group 2, Movements 20 to 55 (Second Apparent Close Up)
� Group 3, Movements 56 to 96 (Conclusion)

Students wishing to learn a particular movement attend the appropriate lesson. Saturday lessons are repeated on Sunday. Each Group (1,2,3) is repeated 4 times a year.

Alternatively, students may learn a Chen-style Tai Chi set with Frank Soon, or practice with others. On Sundays, Ba-Gua Palm is taught by Master Ho.

Every student who learns the entire Tai Chi set receives an enamel pin with the class logo. The pin may be obtained by demonstrating the complete form to any class member wearing the red wristband. Students who have a greater mastery of the set, are willing to help other students, and attend classes consistently, are invited to be tested by an instructor. With the instructor's agreement, these students will be provided with red wristbands to wear in class.

Advanced Class

The advanced Tai Chi class is taught by Master Chin on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 7 to 8:30 am, in the Senior Center parking lot. To join, a student must have earned the class wristband. In order to continue in the class, students must attend on time consistently and demonstrate progress. In addition to the early class, students are expected to attend the regular class from 8:30-10 am.

Tai Chi Fundamental Rules

1. Proper foot placement and hip orientation

2. Head upright, lower back straight

3. Shoulders relaxed; elbows dropped

4. Mouth closed

5. Proper directional orientation

6. Knees follow toe direction

7. Not over-extended or leaning

8. Proper weight shifting

9. Sit back or bend knees when needed

10. Movements complete

11. Movements smooth and even

12. Hand position

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