St. Mary's Membership Pledge

Incoming Members

I hereby resolve, with help from Almighty God, and the leading of the Holy Spirit, to uphold the doctrines of UFMCC.

I pledge my time, talent, tithe and loyalty.

My Church is a place where the Word of God is preached, the power of God is felt, the Spirit of God is shown, and the love of God is revealed and lived.

I unite with my church in solemn covenant, pledging to attend its services, pray for its members, give for its support, share my talents freely and be transformed by loving and being loved.

Established Members

I renew my commitment to my church. I will freely give my zeal, my love and my prayers. When I neglect its services I lessen its power, discourage its members, and starve my own soul.

This day I renew my pledge to my church and pray that I will be found faithful in the support of all of its ministry and works.

I pledge to love, support, nurture and pray for the new members, as well as the established members.


Therefore, I will do all I can to make known God's love to our communities and beyond.

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