St. Mary's Order of Worship

Singspiration. Time to "make a joyful noise" through congregational singing, clapping, and playing of musical instruments. This is an opportunity to share our joy in the Lord and prepare more fully for worship.

Welcome and Announcements. We set aside this time to welcome everyone to worship and highlight the upcoming activities. Announcements from other organizations can be found on the foyer table. Following welcome and announcements, we offer a moment for the congregation to greet one anohter with a word, a handshake, or a hug.

Call to Worship. Away from the world, into conscious presence of God, this is a responsive reading used to help us leave behind the things that would distract us from fully participating in the worship experience.

Musical Presentation. The Choir seeks to lead us even deeper into our worship experience by expressing their faith through song.

First Reading. Scripture is read from the Old Testament.

Family Prayer. This is the time when we join together as a family, to share our thanksgivings, our concerns and our needs. The person leading family prayer will open with a short prayer and then leave time for others to offer the needs of their hearts aloud (intentions). The congregation responds, "Lord, hear our prayer" after each prayer request. We then have a few moments of silent prayer and close by praying together the Lord's Prayer.

Second Reading. Scripture reading taken from the Epistles.

Hymn. The congregation joins in singing praises to God.

Gospel Reading. A reading from one of the four Gospels.

Gloria. The singing of the Gloria is the way that we affirm our faith in God's word. "Glory be to the one God and to the Christ and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shal be, world without end. Amen."

The Sermon/Homily. Sermons are based on the scripture readings of the day. The scriptures are explained in greater detail and seek to provide insight on how we might live more fully God's call in our lives.

Hymn. The sermon is followed by a hymn of commitment.

The Apostles' Creed. An opportunity to reaffirm our faith and beliefs as a community.

Tithes and Offerings. This is our opportunity to share with God a portion of all that God has given to us. God supplies us with 100 percent of what we have and asks us to return ten percent of that so that others may be assisted and the Good News spread to all of God's people.

Communion. Opening words, silent prayer, the Great Thanksgiving (a responsive reading), followed by the traditional words of institution. A prayer of Consecration is offered and then all are invited to partake of the Elements. You need not be a member to join in Communion. A server will offer the Elements and then pray with you. If you would like to receive only the Elements without prayer or you would like prayer without the Elements, please tell your server. Once all who wish to partake have been served, the Elements are consumed by the servers. Instead of wine, we use grape juice out of respect for those in recovery.

Benediction. A prayer of benediction is offered to send us from this place renewed in spirit to serve God more fully in the days ahead.

If you have questions about any part of the service, please ask our Pastor, Christine. We believe in the "Priesthood of all Believers," so that when you visit St. Mary's MCC, please let us know if you would like to participate in any section of the worship service. We value the gifts and talents of all believers and encourage you to use your gifts and talents to enhance our worship service.

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